10.3% CAGR for Cyber Security Market Forecast During 2014-2019
DALLAS, August 25, 2014 /PRNewswire/ --
ReportsnReports.com offers "Cyber Security Market (IAM, Encryption, DLP, Risk and Compliance Management, IDS/IPS, UTM, Firewall, Antivirus/Antimalware, SVM/SIEM, Disaster Recovery, DDoS Mitigation, Web Filtering, Security Services) - Global Advancements, Forecasts & Analysis (2014-2019)" - an April 2014 research report spread across 229 pages, in its store. In the report, cyber security market is defined as a combination of market for security types and services. The security types segment of cyber security includes sub-segments such as network security, endpoint security, application security, content security, wireless security and cloud security while consulting services, design and integration, risk and threat assessment, managed security services, and training and education are the sub-segments under services segment. The playing fields of the market are aerospace, defense, intelligence, government, public utilities, healthcare, telecom and IT, manufacturing, retail and others.
The major forces driving the global cyber security market (http://www.reportsnreports.com/reports/279932-cyber-security-market-iam-encryption-dlp-risk-and-compliance-management-ids-ips-utm-firewall-antivirus-antimalware-svm-siem-disaster-recovery-ddos-mitigation-web-filtering-security-services-global-advancements-forecasts-analysis-2014-2019-.html ) are the rapid adoption of cloud-based services, wireless communication along with strict government mandates and increasing cyber crimes in public utilities industries. Hence, the ratification for cyber security solutions is increasing to combat the advanced and sophisticated threats created by professional adversaries. Also, cloud service providers and verticals such as energy, oil and gas, and education are expected to adopt solutions for cyber security more readily because of growing cyber crimes which may cause the loss of intellectual and financial assets and may tarnish the national infrastructure and economy.
With change in business environment due to Bring Your Own Device (BYOD) model, cloud-based services and wireless communication, the security requirements are also showing signs of evolution. Cyber security market comprises innovative and sophisticated cyber solutions. The technologies are showing continuous growth patterns. Antivirus and antimalware solution is expected to acquire the highest market share during the forecast period among all major technologies owing to increase in adoption of such solutions by organizations of multiple sizes as well as consumers. Increase in number of sophisticated threats along with the rapid adoption of cloud-based services is expected to keep the market growing for such solutions in the coming years.
Next Generation Firewall (NGFW), an advanced version of the firewall that filters network and internet-based traffic concentrating on application-specific granular security type and helps to detect application-specific attacks is another major solution having significant share among all solutions. NGFWs blend the features of traditional firewall with Quality of Service (QoS) context in order to provide effective detection. It deploys the functionalities of first-generation network firewalls and network Intrusion Prevention Systems (IPS), Secure Socket Layer (SSL) and Secure Shell (SSH) inspection, reputation-based malware filtering and Active Directory integration support. Rapid growth in internet usage, advanced persistent threats, transition from network layer to application and file layer attacks are the key emerging trends responsible for increasing the demand of such solutions.
The cyber security market in turn also has some challenges in its growth path. The facilitation of high speed internet is leading to continuous piracy of security software and affecting the growth and validity of authenticated software. Simultaneously, the widespread distribution of cheap competitive products is restraining the growth of major cyber security solutions vendor market. These all are the consequences of lack of awareness about the security alignment with the business portfolio by the customers and enterprises.
Companies profiled in this cyber security market research report for 2014-2019 include Booz Allen Hamilton, Cisco, CSC, IBM, Lockheed Martin, McAfee, Northrop Grumman, SOPHOS, Symantec and Trend Micro. This research, available for purchase at http://www.reportsnreports.com/Purchase.aspx?name=279932 , offers 81 market data tables and 10 figures to support the cyber security industry analysis provided in it.
There are various assumptions that have been taken into consideration for market sizing and forecasting exercise. A few global assumptions include political, economic, social, technological and economic factors. For instance, exchange rates, one of the economic factors, are expected to have a moderate rating of impact on this market.
The report is expected to help the market leaders/new entrants in this market in the following ways -
- This report segments the market into types, solutions and services, covering this market comprehensively. The report provides the closest approximations of the revenue numbers for the overall market and the sub-segments. The market numbers are further split across the different verticals and regions.
- This report will help them better understand the competitor and gain more insights to better position their business. There is a separate section on competitive landscape, including competitor ecosystem, mergers and acquisition and venture capital funding. Besides, there are company profiles of 10 major players in this market. In this section, market internals are provided that can put them ahead of the competitors.
- The report helps them understand the pulse of the market. The report provides information on key market drivers, restraints, challenges, and opportunities.
Middle East Cyber Security Market by Technologies (IAM, DLP, UTM, IDS/IPS, Firewall, Risk & Compliance Management, Antivirus, SVM/SIEM, Disaster Recovery, DDOS Mitigation, Encryption, Web Filtering) & by Services - Market Forecasts and Analysis (2014-2019) is a July 2014 research report of 277 pages. The Middle Eastern Countries have identified cyber security, as one of the major concern. Over the past few years, most of the large organizations in this region including giant oil and gas, utilities and banks have strengthened their cyber security capabilities. Standard processes have been implemented to identify and prioritize IT security risks and develop mitigation strategies. These mitigation strategies have enabled the organizations to save losses caused by cybercrimes. It is expected that the Middle East cyber security market will show enormous growth with credence in the coming years. Major players in the cyber security ecosystem include Booz Allen Hamilton, Cisco, CSC, Cassidian, IBM, Kaspersky, McAfee, Symantec, Trend Micro and various others. Read more at http://www.reportsnreports.com/reports/291321-middle-east-cyber-security-market-by-technologies-iam-dlp-utm-ids-ips-firewall-risk-compliance-management-antivirus-svm-siem-disaster-recovery-ddos-mitigation-encryption-web-filtering-by-services-market-forecasts-and-analysis-2014-2019-.html .
Explore more reports on the IT & Telecommunications market at http://www.reportsnreports.com/market-research/information-technology/ .
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