Ahmadi Muslims UK Condemn Peshawar Massacre
LONDON, December 17, 2014 /PRNewswire/ --
Following the attack on a school yesterday in Peshawar, Pakistan that killed 145 people - 132 of them uniformed schoolchildren - Rafiq Hayat, National President Ahmadiyya Muslim Association UK said:
"Our hearts go out to the victims of this heartless massacre in Pakistan. The murder of any human being is a horrific act, but to mass murder innocent children and teachers in cold blood is utterly deplorable. It is our prayer that those behind this massacre are caught, brought before the authorities and face justice.
May Allah bestow comfort and peace upon those who have suffered and to those who continue to suffer. We stand united with all who seek to end extremism in Pakistan and the rest of the world."
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Basharat Nazir media@ahmadiyya.org.uk
Tel +44-(0)7703-483-384
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