Ahmadiyya Muslim Community Supports Government Action to end Extremism
LONDON, January 19, 2015 /PRNewswire/ --
The Ahmadiyya Muslim Community UK - that has been in the UK since 1913 - supports the Government's action to root out extremism. Rafiq Hayat, National President said:
"We welcome the government's acknowledgement that the Paris attacks have nothing to do with Islam. Islam is a religion of peace and those who carry out violence in its name are acting against Islamic teachings.
"The Government is right to be worried about extremism, be it from any source and it is the duty of all faith communities to support efforts for greater peace.
"The Ahmadiyya Muslim Community led by its Caliph, Hazrat Mirza Masroor Ahmad, who is based in London, has always denounced violence and has a special focus on working to serve humanity.
"In the UK our mosques are beacons of peace and we engage our youth to work for their local communities - as a result they raise hundreds of thousands of pounds each year for British charities, they plant tens of thousands of trees for a better future for Britain, and they help feed the homeless - with more than 10,000 meals provided each year to help those suffering.
"In our mosques our sermons are either in English or have a simultaneous translation provided in English, we engage the youth in activities and discussions and as a result we have absolutely no radicalisation in our mosques.
"The Ahmadiyya Muslim community is persecuted in Pakistan and other countries so has been on the receiving end of radicalisation. Its response has always been one of prayer, patience and persistence and we live by our motto of Love for All Hatred for None.
"The Government needs to do more to stop preachers of hate from coming to the UK and critically spreading their messages of hate online and on satellite television. This is vital."
Basharat Nazir media@ahmadiyya.org.uk Tel +447703-483-384
Mahmood Rafiq Tel +447971-060-962
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