Andre Pienaar dedicates funding to the Endowment of the United States Institute of Peace to honor Nelson Mandela
WASHINGTON, Feb. 14, 2022 /PRNewswire/ -- Andre Pienaar announced today that he has contributed $1,500,000 to the Endowment of the United States Institute for Peace (USIP) to honor the leadership example of Nelson Mandela on the commemoration of his release from prison on the 11th of February 1990.
USIP has a distinguished history of building partnerships with African countries to support peace and good governance in Africa. A former Chair of the Board of USIP, Dr Chester Crocker, led the United States negotiations as the Assistant Secretary of State for African Affairs for the independence of Namibia and the signing of a comprehensive regional peace agreement in Southern Africa that helped paved the way for Mandela's release. The current Chair of the Board of the USIP, Ambassador George Moose, worked with Mandela during the crucial transition years to democracy in South Africa from 1993-997 as the Assistant Secretary of State for African Affairs. Stephen Hadley, who led the Board until 2021, served as the National Security Adviser when the U.S. Government worked closely with African leaders to end the devastating wars in the Democratic Republic of the Congo (DRC) and the Sudan. In 2012, Pienaar contributed to the Endowment of the USIP to honor the work that Dr. Crocker and other U.S. leaders did to help build peace, good governance and democracy throughout Africa.
Pienaar said "We have been discussing for many years how to honor Nelson Mandela, and at this critical time in our democracies, it is only fitting to honor Mandela who was the pioneering leader who ended apartheid and undertook the arduous challenge of reconciliation that is a precondition for lasting peace and democracy. I had the privilege of working with Nelson Mandela and South African leaders to establish the Directorate of Special Operations (DSO), also known as the Scorpions, to fight organized crime, terrorism and corruption in Africa. Mandela's determination to fight for good governance, the rule of law and inclusive democracy remains an inspiration to us all. I am very pleased to be able to support USIP's work to advance Nelson Mandela's principles," Pienaar said.
Ed Royce, who chaired the Africa Subcommittee in the U.S. House of Representatives and met with Mandela several times, said "USIP is fortunate to have the strong support of Andre to help spread Nelson Mandela's extraordinary legacy of peaceful, democratic change that respects the rights of each and every person."
About Andre Pienaar. Pienaar has served on the International Advisory Council of USIP since 2016. He is the founder and CEO of C5 Capital, a venture capital firm focused on investing in cybersecurity, space and energy security headquartered in Washington DC and offices in London, Luxembourg and Vienna.
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