KUALA LUMPUR, Malaysia, March 16, 2018 /PRNewswire/ -- UBM Malaysia, the organiser of ASIAWATER 2018 - The Region's Leading Water and Wastewater Event in Developing Asia - organised its third Technical Site Visit to the Johor River Barrage managed by SAJ Ranhill Sdn Bhd.

The 1st ASIAWATER 2018 Technical Site Visit to the Lembaga Air Perak (LAP) was held on the 10th of August 2017, where participants were given a private tour and briefing of the Ulu Kinta Water Treatment Plant and Sultan Azlan Shah Water Dam by Dato' Ir. Mohd Yusuf B. Mohd Isa, General Manager of LAP. For the 2nd technical visit, participants of ASIAWATER 2018 visited Pantai 2 Regional Sewage Treatment Plant (RSTP), which is designed for 'Standard A' effluent discharge quality as prescribed in the Environmental Quality Regulations (Sewage) 2009. The facility has been designed to maximise green energy recovery through installation of solar panels and biogas utilization.
The 3rd technical visit was held on March 8th to the Johor River Barrage and Syarikat Air Johor (SAJ). General Tan Sri Dato' Seri Panglima Mohd Azumi Bin Mohamed (rtd), Co-Chairman, UBM Malaysia said: "The overall objective of this technical visit is to get a better understanding of the importance of undertaking the necessary measures to ensure reliable and adequate raw water supply from the Johor River which serves as an important source for the supply of treated water to Johor Bahru and the surrounding areas. The Johor River also provides raw water supply to PUB under the 1962 water agreement signed between Johor and Singapore. The demand for water supply in Johor will continue to see rapid increase because of the robust economic and industrial activities in the state. Thus the Barrage will definitely serve as an important water infrastructure to ensure sustainable development for the state."
Dato' Teo Yen Hua, Advisor to ASIAWATER said: "This site visit is covering all aspects of our theme of ASIAWATER 2018: Partnership for growth and a sustainable water future. Not only the very successful partnership between Federal and State Government; but also between BAKAJ (water regulatory body Badan Kawal Selia Air Johor) in Malaysia and PUB of Singapore. The barrage was funded by the Federal Government through KeTTHA (Ministry of Energy, Green Technology and Water) to address the problem of salinity of the river especially during dry periods. The technical visit also covers a short briefing by SAJ, the water treatment and distribution company, on their efforts in ensuring quality, reliable and efficient water supply for the state, including the various initiatives to reduce the level of Non-Revenue Water in Johor."
The 10th edition of ASIAWATER will be held from 10-12 April 2018 at the Kuala Lumpur Convention Centre (KLCC), Malaysia. With more than 1,000 exhibiting companies and 11 regional and international pavilions, the event is expected to welcome over 19,000 trade visitors and delegates from 48 countries. The three-day event is accompanied with free-to-attend conference and seminars with the central theme of "Partnership for Growth and a Sustainable Future". The other conference topics include 'Efficient & Sustainable Water Resources', 'Water Future Partnerships', Water Policy & Governance' and Water Resources'. ASIAWATER 2018 conference and seminars are supported by Malaysian Water Association (MWA), Ministry of Energy, Green Technology and Water (KeTTHA), Ministry of Natural Resources and Environment (NRE), the National Water Services Commission (SPAN) and The Drainage and Irrigation Department, Malaysia.
For more information, go to: www.asiawater.org
Photo - https://mma.prnewswire.com/media/655136/ASIAWATER_2018_Johor_River_Barrage_and_SAJ_Site_Visit.jpg
Photo - https://mma.prnewswire.com/media/655137/Johor_River_Barrage_Technical_Site_Visit_and_Press_Conference.jpg
Photo - https://mma.prnewswire.com/media/655138/ASIAWATER_2018_Technical_Site_Visit.jpg
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