ISTANBUL, Oct. 18, 2021 /PRNewswire/ -- Assan Aluminyum, a subsidiary of Kibar Holding and the largest growing flat-rolled aluminium producer in Europe, has finalized plans to invest further in sustainable expansions through a series of investments worth over 95 million US dollars, from 2021 through 2024. When completed, Assan Alüminyum is expected to have the largest continuous casting capacity in Europe and America.
As climate change, depleting resources and widespread social inequalities become more and more critical for the future of humanity, corporate sustainability gains importance at a faster pace than ever. With the awareness of this, Assan Alüminyum focuses on sustainability as one of its core values and follows the Aluminium Stewardship Initiative (ASI) framework to manage all of its business processes according to global sustainability standards. The company received the ASI provisional Performance Standard Certificate for its flat-rolled aluminium production and recycling facilities. The company also plans new investments according to global sustainability principles. In line with this vision, the company plans to invest over 95 million US dollars in sustainable expansions, in addition to the 60 million US dollars of investments completed in the last 2 years.
The plans cover a wide variety of investments from a rolling oil recycling facility, a new mill drive system with regenerative abilities for improved energy efficiency and new filtration systems for casting lines to an improved thin-gauge aluminium foil production capacity and digitalization projects to advance casting capabilities. Included in the new machinery investments will be a modern and highly energy-efficient thin strip rolling mill and 5 new casting lines. With a total number of 24 continuous-casting (CC) lines, Assan Alüminyum is expected to have the largest CC capacity in all of Europe and America. This will not only raise the company's annual installed production capacity to more than 360,000 tons, but also enable the production of higher value-added products, serving industries, such as consumer durables, automotive and construction.
The company's General Manager Goksal Gungor states, "In addition to the planned future sustainability investments, we have other significant sustainability-oriented activities, including our in-house recycling facility and our renewable energy production plant. We are able to offset our scope 2 emissions, with the I-REC Certificates obtained through clean energy production. We continue to invest according to our vision of sustainability, as we feel that this is our responsibility for the future of our children".

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