Audley Travel: Redefining the luxury holiday - simple pleasures result in a 5-star feeling
LONDON, Aug. 3, 2023 /PRNewswire/ -- Tailor-made holiday specialist Audley Travel has conducted research* into what defines a luxury holiday experience and has concluded that a '5-star feeling' is indeed a more measured personal preference, with almost a third of people explaining that spending time in nature provoked a feeling of opulence (29%), and 38% saying time spent with family on holiday was the luxurious gift they crave.
For many Brits (60%) the classic combination of indulging their taste buds and relaxing by the pool (43%) whilst on a break was front of mind when thinking about what luxury means to them during holidays taken in the past (in the UK or abroad). Almost half (46%) explained visiting 'new places and cultures' was important, and for almost a fifth of people asked, indulging in a good book and meeting local people (18%) felt lavish to them. Being away from the crowds is a luxury for more than 3 in 10 (31%) with 14% going further to say spending time completely alone is a holiday luxury.
The findings showed however that when trying to please others when planning a trip that luxury feeling can be lost. Unsurprisingly deciding where to go on holiday can be a stressful experience when trying to please a group with 35% of those asked struggling to fulfil everyone's wishes. The findings showed that 21% explained the cause of family and friends wanting to do different things was to blame, with 20% mentioning it is difficult to identify a destination that will meet everyone's needs. To help combat this, more than a third (34%) of people said they would like to seek the advice of someone who had visited the destination before so they could plan better and avoid friction amongst the group (13% said wanting to do different things leads to arguments).
Audley Travel CEO, Nick Longman said: "As a nation, we're on a journey to become more mindful in everything we do, and our findings show that travel is no different. What makes a holiday feel luxurious is actually a very personal preference. It's the seemingly simple moments that are most appreciated, from a stunning sunset to a meaningful exchange with a new person."
When it comes to deciding where to go on holiday the majority of people surveyed (43%) said they searched online for inspiration, whereas 35% preferred the familiarity of destinations they have been to before and liked. Friends and family recommendations were cited as a trusted source when planning a trip with 31% of people answering this impacted their decision making, and nearly a fifth of respondents (19%) were enticed by far flung, exotic locations or chose 'unusual destinations' (18%) with the same number choosing to stay within a short flight of the UK.
*Research conducted by Vital of over 2,000 UK adults in July 2023.

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