The Annual General Meeting of Duni AB was held on Tuesday May 4, 2021 in Malmö, Sweden.
BOX, Sweden, May 4, 2021 /PRNewswire/ -- The Annual General Meeting ("AGM") resolved to approve the respective submitted accounting documents and remuneration report. In accordance with the Board's proposal, the AGM decided that no dividend should be paid for the financial year 2020.
The AGM discharged the members of the Board and the President from liability for the preceding financial year.
Morten Falkenberg, Thomas Gustafsson, Sven Knutsson, Pauline Lindwall, Pia Marions and Alex Myers were re-elected as members of the Board.
The AGM elected Thomas Gustafsson as Chairman of the Board. The AGM decided on the compensation to the Board totaling SEK 2,123,000, excluding fees for committee work. The compensation, in the form of cash fees, was set at SEK 578,000 for the Chairman of the Board and SEK 309,000 each to the other five members of the Board elected by the AGM. The AGM also approved the allocation of fees related to committee work as follows: the Chairman of the Audit Committee SEK 125,000 and other members, SEK 59,000 each; the Chairman of the Remuneration Committee, SEK 65,000, and other members, SEK 30,000 each.
The AGM approved the proposal regarding the Nomination Committee.
The accounting firm PricewaterhouseCoopers AB was re-elected for the period until the end of the next Annual General Meeting. Carl Fogelberg will be auditor in charge.
The AGM resolved to amend the Articles of Association in accordance with the Board's proposal.
At the constituent meeting of the Board held in conjunction with the AGM, Pauline Lindwall (Chairman), Morten Falkenberg and Thomas Gustafsson were elected to the Remuneration Committee. Pia Marions (Chairman), Sven Knutsson and Thomas Gustafsson were elected to the Audit Committee.
DUNI AB (publ)
Board of directors
For further information, please contact:
Robert Dackeskog, President and CEO, +46 40 10 62 00
Magnus Carlsson, CFO, +46 40 10 62 00
Helena Haglund, Group Accounting Manager, +46 734 19 63 04
Duni Group is a market leader in attractive, sustainable and convenient products for table setting and take-away. The Group markets and sells two brands, Duni and BioPak, which are represented in more than 40 markets. Duni Group has some 2,300 employees in 24 countries, headquarters in Malmö and production units in Sweden, Germany, Poland, New Zealand, and Thailand. Duni Group is listed on NASDAQ Stockholm under the ticker name "DUNI".
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The following files are available for download:
Bulletin from Duni AB's Annual General Meeting |
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Sustainability korallskog 22x8cm |

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