Business Reporter: AI-enabled audio with noise cancellation will remain key to post-Covid hybrid work
EPOS Audio's survey suggests that 78 per cent of employers are now ready to invest more in audio
LONDON, March 19, 2021 /PRNewswire/ -- The shift to remote work at the start of the pandemic put audio quality into sharp relief. Pre-pandemic, 95 per cent of workers experienced daily issues with audio. But this figure has fallen significantly as organisations have adapted to a new working environment by implementing state-of-the art technologies such as AI for enhanced voice pick-up or noise cancellation.
High-standard audio is key to both employee and customer experience. As Generation-Z is making up an increasing percentage of the workforce, catering to their needs for seamless user experience and well-connected technology solutions is becoming strategic to attracting top talent.
While high-quality audio solutions can considerably enhance the efficiency of zoom meetings and collaboration tools, in customer-facing positions such as sales and customer service they become mission-critical.
Although willingness to invest in audio has increased sharply, businesses don't seem to have extensive knowledge of available audio solutions and base their decisions on cost-efficiency. However, as the hybrid office is likely to remain the norm post-Covid, only premium audio solutions fitting specific use cases will be futureproof.
To read more about audio EPOS audio solutions click here
About Business Reporter
Business Reporter is an award-winning supplement published in the Sunday and Daily Telegraph, City AM and online, delivering news and analysis on issues affecting businesses to a global audience. It also hosts conferences, debates, breakfast meetings and exclusive summits.
About EPOS Audio
Based on pioneering technologies and contemporary design, EPOS designs, manufactures and sells high-end audio and video solutions for business professionals and gamers. Established upon the former successful joint venture between audio specialist Sennheiser and the world-leading hearing technology group Demant, EPOS builds on more than 115 years of experience of working with innovation and sound. EPOS is a global player with offices and partners in more than 30 countries. EPOS use the most advanced audio and collaboration technologies to create solutions that are powerful, reliable, and easy to use.
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