Business Reporter: Digital customer onboarding beyond the pandemic
How to implement digital customer onboarding without compromising risk and compliance
LONDON, Feb. 8, 2021 /PRNewswire/ -- In an article and a series of videos published on Business Reporter, Sunil Madhu, Founder and CEO of Instnt, the first fully managed digital customer onboarding service with fraud loss insurance, explains why businesses need customer onboarding, how to implement it safely and the difference it will make on the bottom-line and customer satisfaction.
Because of the pandemic, digital acceleration is happening across all industries, especially in retail and financial services. However, antiquated legacy systems are preventing many businesses from signing-up more customers, rejecting good customers for the wrong reasons or making the process too complicated.
The solution is to delegate decision-making around customer approvals, to AI-powered machines that can make better decisions about who is a good customer and who is likely to be fraudulent. In this way, digital customer onboarding can make a large difference to customer satisfaction as well as to the bottom line.
To learn more about digital customer onboarding, watch the videos.
About Business Reporter
Business Reporter is an award-winning supplement published in the Sunday and Daily Telegraph, City AM and online, delivering news and analysis on issues affecting businesses to a global audience. It also hosts conferences, debates, breakfast meetings and exclusive summits.
About Instnt
Instnt is the first fully managed customer onboarding service for businesses that helps them onboard good customers for good, driving their top-line revenue like never before. With its codeless integration and a compendium of sophisticated features, businesses can get their products to market faster, verifying and onboarding their digital customers frictionlessly, without bearing the costs of building and managing their own risk and compliance infrastructure or exposing themselves to fraud losses. Instnt powers various fast-growing financial institutions in North America. For more information, please visit
Discover how Instnt can help you sign up more good customers

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