Consumer Trends in the Savory Snacks Market in India
NEW YORK, May 2, 2012 /PRNewswire/ -- announces that a new market research report is available in its catalogue:
Consumer Trends in the Savory Snacks Market in India
This report provides the results for the Savory Snacks market in India from Canadean's unique, highly detailed and proprietary survey of consumers' Consumer Packaged Goods (CPG) consumption habits, and forms part of an overall series covering all CPG product markets.Its coverage includes, but is not limited to, consumption behaviors, the extent to which consumer trends influence their consumption and the value of the market these trends influence, brand and private label choices as well as retailer choices. Much of this information can also be analyzed by specific consumer group, providing hard and fast data on consumers and markets at the product category level.
Why was the report written?Marketers in the Savory Snacks market face a major challenge. Understanding market size and segmentation is valuable, but the keys to effective targeting is knowing just how valuable specific consumer groups are, and being able to quantify the impact of consumer trends.This report solves these problems by providing integrated survey-based data on consumer trends, consumer groups and market data which show exactly the size of consumer groups, how much of the Savory Snacks market they account for and which consumer trends drive their behavior.
What is the current market landscape and what is changing?
As India undergoes rapid development and population dynamics start to take effect, being able to capitalize early on the new emerging consumer behaviors will be fundamental to future growth. This is particularly important in Savory Snacks, which contains relatively new markets in the country such as Popcorn, Potato Chips and Pretzels. This makes early identification of the consumer groups and trends driving market behavior essential.
What are the key drivers behind recent market changes?Consumers' uptake of products and the influence of consumer trends are fundamental causes of change in markets – making knowing what these trends are and the extent of their influence crucial.The survey-based data provided in this report examines over 20 consumer trends that affect the market and examines the share of sales across 26 consumer groups – providing through the data a detailed insight into exactly who the consumer is and just how much impact the latest consumer trends are having.
What makes this report unique and essential to read?
The data provided is unique in the market as it tracks consumer behavior through to its actual value impact on a product market. This provides readers with a unique data analysis of the market allowing marketing tactics and strategy to be updated in line with the very latest consumer behaviors.
ScopeDetailed consumer segmentation based on survey data covering over 26 consumer groups, 20 consumer trends and consumption frequency for each product category.
Volume shares in 2011 for brands and private label sales tracked by the survey.
Reasons To BuyResults also cover over 20 consumer trends, showing exactly to what extent these trends have a direct influence on a market. As this impact assessment is based not only on how many consumers act on these trends, but also how often they act on this it provides unique insight into the "size of the prize" when targeting these consumer trends in each category covered.
Key Highlights
Kids & Babies account for a 22% share of the Indian Syrups & Spreads market by value. While this is the largest share of the market, other age groups such as Early Young Adults and Older Young Adults also record significant consumption and as such should not be ignored. Older Consumers are the least valuable age group, with a market share of 8% despite accounting for 12% of the population.
Consumption of Nuts & Seeds in India is highest among Older Consumers, many of which are traditional users of this item. The proportion of Heavy frequency users tends to increase with age among adults, with children also recording high consumption.
Consumption segmentation analysis of the Savory Snacks market by the amount of time people have to spare reveals that Time Rich people account for a larger value share of the market than people who are pressed for time. This highlights the importance of the youngest and oldest consumers, who have plenty of free time as a result of short working days, long holidays or retirement.Table of Contents1 Introduction1.1 What is this Report About?1.2 Definitions1.2.1 Consumer Trends1.2.2 Consumer Groups and Legal Drinking Age Consumption (for Alcoholic Drinks coverage)1.2.3 End Consumers1.2.4 Volume Units and Aggregations1.2.5 Exchange Rates1.2.6 Population Profiles (for interpretation of tables and charts)1.3 Methodology1.3.1 Introduction1.3.2 Large scale, international, program of online consumer surveys1.3.3 Nationally Representative results (age, gender)1.3.4 Parents answered on their children's behalf1.3.5 Legal Drinking Age exclusions for alcoholic drinks categories1.3.6 Integrated with industry calling and secondary research2 Consumer Segmentation, Group Value and Trend Influence2.1 Cohort Groups and Savory Snacks Market Value2.1.1 Age Groups2.1.2 Gender Groups2.1.3 Location Groups2.1.4 Education Achieved Groups2.1.5 Wealth Groups2.1.6 Busy Lives Groups2.2 Cohort Groups and Market Value by Category2.2.1 Ethnic/traditional Snacks2.2.2 Nuts & Seeds2.2.3 Popcorn2.2.4 Potato Chips2.2.5 Processed Snacks2.3 Behavioral Trends and Market Value2.3.1 Ethnic/traditional Snacks2.3.2 Nuts & Seeds2.3.3 Popcorn2.3.4 Potato Chips2.3.5 Processed Snacks3 Consumption Analysis3.1 Consumption Frequencies by Age and Gender3.1.1 Ethnic/traditional Snacks3.1.2 Nuts & Seeds3.1.3 Popcorn3.1.4 Potato Chips3.1.5 Processed Snacks3.2 Consumer Profiles by Product Category3.2.1 Ethnic/traditional Snacks3.2.2 Nuts & Seeds3.2.3 Popcorn3.2.4 Potato Chips3.2.5 Processed Snacks4 Brand vs. Private Label Choices4.1 Brand vs. Private Label Volume Share4.1.1 By Category4.2 Savory Snacks Brand Choice and Private Label Shares4.2.1 Ethnic/traditional Snacks4.2.2 Popcorn4.2.3 Potato Chips4.2.4 Processed Snacks5 The Share of Consumers Influenced by Trends5.1 Trend Drivers of Consumers' Product Choices5.1.1 Overall Savory Snacks5.1.2 Ethnic/traditional Snacks5.1.3 Nuts & Seeds5.1.4 Popcorn5.1.5 Potato Chips5.1.6 Processed Snacks6 Consumption Impact: Market Valuation6.1 Savory Snacks Value Impact of Consumer Consumption Behavior6.1.1 Market Value by Category6.1.2 Market Volume by Category6.2 Savory Snacks Value Analysis by Category6.2.1 Share by Category6.2.2 Expenditure per Capita by Category6.2.3 Expenditure per Household by Category6.3 Savory Snacks Volume Impact of Consumer Behavior Trends6.3.1 Share by Category6.3.2 Consumption per Capita by Category6.3.3 Consumption per Household by Category7 Appendix7.1 About Canadean7.2 DisclaimerList of TablesTable 1: Volume Units for the Savory Snacks MarketTable 2: Foreign Exchange Rate – INR Vs. US$, 2011Table 3: India Survey Respondent Profile (weighted), 2011Table 4: India Savory Snacks Value Share (%), by Age Groups, 2011Table 5: India Savory Snacks Value Share (%), by Gender, 2011Table 6: India Savory Snacks Value Share (%), by Urban and Rural Dwellers, 2011Table 7: India Savory Snacks Value Share (%) by Education Level Achieved Groups, 2011Table 8: India Savory Snacks Value Share (%) by Wealth Groups, 2011Table 9: India Savory Snacks Value Share (%) by Busy Lives Groups, 2011Table 10: India Ethnic/traditional Snacks Consumer Group Share (% market value), 2011Table 11: India Nuts & Seeds Consumer Group Share (% market value), 2011Table 12: India Popcorn Consumer Group Share (% market value), 2011Table 13: India Potato Chips Consumer Group Share (% market value), 2011Table 14: India Processed Snacks Consumer Group Share (% market value), 2011Table 15: India Total Ethnic/traditional Snacks Value (Indian Rupee millions) and Value Share Influenced by Behavioral Trends, 2011Table 16: India Total Nuts & Seeds Value (Indian Rupee millions) and Value Share Influenced by Behavioral Trends, 2011Table 17: India Total Popcorn Value (Indian Rupee millions) and Value Share Influenced by Behavioral Trends, 2011Table 18: India Total Potato Chips Value (Indian Rupee millions) and Value Share Influenced by Behavioral Trends, 2011Table 19: India Total Processed Snacks Value (Indian Rupee millions) and Value Share Influenced by Behavioral Trends, 2011Table 20: India Ethnic/traditional Snacks Consumption Frequency Analysis (% by Age Group, by Consumption Group), 2011Table 21: India Ethnic/traditional Snacks Consumption Frequency Analysis (% by Gender by Consumption Group), 2011Table 22: India Nuts & Seeds Consumption Frequency Analysis (% by Age Group, by Consumption Group), 2011Table 23: India Nuts & Seeds Consumption Frequency Analysis (% by Gender by Consumption Group), 2011Table 24: India Popcorn Consumption Frequency Analysis (% by Age Group, by Consumption Group), 2011Table 25: India Popcorn Consumption Frequency Analysis (% by Gender by Consumption Group), 2011Table 26: India Potato Chips Consumption Frequency Analysis (% by Age Group, by Consumption Group), 2011Table 27: India Potato Chips Consumption Frequency Analysis (% by Gender by Consumption Group), 2011Table 28: India Processed Snacks Consumption Frequency Analysis (% by Age Group, by Consumption Group), 2011Table 29: India Processed Snacks Consumption Frequency Analysis (% by Gender by Consumption Group), 2011Table 30: India Ethnic/traditional Snacks Consumer Profiles (% consumers by sub-group), 2011Table 31: India Nuts & Seeds Consumer Profiles (% consumers by sub-group), 2011Table 32: India Popcorn Consumer Profiles (% consumers by sub-group), 2011Table 33: India Potato Chips Consumer Profiles (% consumers by sub-group), 2011Table 34: India Processed Snacks Consumer Profiles (% consumers by sub-group), 2011Table 35: India Savory Snacks Private Label Penetration of Survey-tracked Sales (% Vol), by Category, 2011Table 36: India Ethnic/traditional Snacks Survey-tracked Brand Shares by Volume (% Vol), 2011Table 37: India Popcorn Survey-tracked Brand Shares by Volume (% Vol), 2011Table 38: India Potato Chips Survey-tracked Brand Shares by Volume (% Vol), 2011Table 39: India Processed Snacks Survey-tracked Brand Shares by Volume (% Vol), 2011Table 40: India, Overall Savory Snacks: Percentage of Consumers Stating that Specific Trends Influence their Consumption, 2011Table 41: India, Ethnic/traditional Snacks: Percentage of Consumers Stating that Specific Trends Influence their Consumption, 2011Table 42: India, Nuts & Seeds: Percentage of Consumers Stating that Specific Trends Influence their Consumption, 2011Table 43: India, Popcorn: Percentage of Consumers Stating that Specific Trends Influence their Consumption, 2011Table 44: India, Potato Chips: Percentage of Consumers Stating that Specific Trends Influence their Consumption, 2011Table 45: India, Processed Snacks: Percentage of Consumers Stating that Specific Trends Influence their Consumption, 2011Table 46: India Savory Snacks Market Value (Indian Rupee million), by Category, 2011Table 47: India Savory Snacks Market Value (US$ million), by Category, 2011Table 48: India Savory Snacks Market Volume (Kg m), by Category, 2011Table 49: India Savory Snacks Market Share (US$ million), by Category, 2011Table 50: India Savory Snacks Expenditure Per Capita (Indian Rupee), by Category, 2011Table 51: India Savory Snacks Expenditure Per Capita (US$), by Category, 2011Table 52: India Savory Snacks Expenditure Per Household (Indian Rupee), by CategoryTable 53: India Savory Snacks Expenditure Per Household (US$), by CategoryTable 54: India Savory Snacks Market Volume Share (Kg m), by Category, 2011Table 55: India Savory Snacks Consumption Per Capita (Kg m / Population m), by Category, 2011Table 56: India Savory Snacks Consumption Per Household (Kg m / Households m), by Category, 2011List of FiguresFigure 1: Consumer Panel Report MethodologyFigure 2: India Savory Snacks Value Share (%), by Age Groups, 2011Figure 3: India Savory Snacks Value Share (%), by Gender, 2011Figure 4: India Savory Snacks Value Share (%), by Urban and Rural Dwellers, 2011Figure 5: India Savory Snacks Value Share (%) by Education Level Achieved Groups, 2011Figure 6: India Savory Snacks Value Share (%) by Wealth Groups, 2011Figure 7: India Savory Snacks Value Share (%) by Busy Lives Groups, 2011Figure 8: India Ethnic/traditional Snacks Consumption Frequency Analysis (% by Age Group by Consumption Group), 2011Figure 9: India Ethnic/traditional Snacks Consumption Frequency Analysis (% by Gender by Consumption Group), 2011Figure 10: India Nuts & Seeds Consumption Frequency Analysis (% by Age Group by Consumption Group), 2011Figure 11: India Nuts & Seeds Consumption Frequency Analysis (% by Gender by Consumption Group), 2011Figure 12: India Popcorn Consumption Frequency Analysis (% by Age Group by Consumption Group), 2011Figure 13: India Popcorn Consumption Frequency Analysis (% by Gender by Consumption Group), 2011Figure 14: India Potato Chips Consumption Frequency Analysis (% by Age Group by Consumption Group), 2011Figure 15: India Potato Chips Consumption Frequency Analysis (% by Gender by Consumption Group), 2011Figure 16: India Processed Snacks Consumption Frequency Analysis (% by Age Group by Consumption Group), 2011Figure 17: India Processed Snacks Consumption Frequency Analysis (% by Gender by Consumption Group), 2011Figure 18: India Savory Snacks Private Label Penetration of Survey-tracked Sales (% Vol), by Category, 2011Figure 19: India Savory Snacks Market Share (US$ million), by Category, 2011Figure 20: India Savory Snacks Expenditure Per Capita (US$), by Category, 2011Figure 21: India Savory Snacks Expenditure Per Household (US$), by Category
To order this report:Snack and Sweet Industry: Consumer Trends in the Savory Snacks Market in IndiaMore
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