CSO Italy's The European Art of Taste Project is Taking the Chinese Press on Tour to Discover 100% Italian Tomatoes
The promotion of the European Art of Taste - Italian Fruit & Veg Masterpieces Project has stopped off in Italy to let a large group of journalists from China and Hong Kong experience production excellence directly in the areas of origin
BOLOGNA, Italy, Sept. 19, 2019 /PRNewswire/ -- Starting from the Piedmont region, with a visit to the RK Growers processing plants and warehouses, moving onto Emilia Romagna with a visit to the Jingold and Origine Group, for kiwis and pears, and finally reaching Conserve Italia's Cirio tomato processing plant, with production in full swing.
Interested in learning more about the agricultural cooperative chain and product processing phases, the journalists from the Far East were able to visit the Conserve Italia production facility in Pomposa (Ferrara-Italy), one of the largest facilities in Europe dedicated to food processing and which covers an area of 443,000 square metres and has a production capacity of 300,000 tons of tomatoes, vegetables and fruit.
China, South Korea, Vietnam, Indonesia and Hong Kong are the countries of the Far East where Cirio products - a Made in Italy ambassador brand - record the best sales performance. Figures are mainly driven up by e-commerce channels (highly developed on these markets) and food service, which alone account for almost 50% of turnover in the Far East. It is no chance occurrence therefore that among the products most in demand are the 3 kg packs of crushed and peeled tomatoes, used by chefs and pizza makers. In the retail sector, on the other hand, there is a growing demand for products with a high service content, such as ready-made sauces.
Enabling members of the press to obtain a first-hand idea of Italian excellence in the fruit and vegetable sector is one of the strategic tools put in place by The European Art of Taste: Italian Fruit & Veg Masterpieces Project, funded by the European Union and CSO Italy, to make fresh and processed Made in Italy fruit and vegetables better known and appreciated on Asian markets, in particular China, Japan and Taiwan.
The project will be operative from 1 February, 2019 to 31 January, 2022 and will implement promotion and communication measures for a total cost of 3.7 million euros.
RP Circuiti Multimedia
Photo - https://mma.prnewswire.com/media/998375/Conserve_Italia_Pomposa.jpg

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