Cytosorb Study: PAMPs and DAMPs Removed
BRUSSELS, March 17, 2016 /PRNewswire/ --
3rd Cytosorb Usermeeting with excellent results
The 3rd International CytoSorb Users Meeting held one day in advance of the ISICEM, one of the biggest intensive care medicine congresses worldwide, has revealed excellent scientific results. 107 medical experts from 23 countries have presented and discussed their CytoSorb studies. To date, more than 11,000 CytoSorb treatments in almost 6,000 patients have been performed.
Some of the most important findings include:
- For the first time a study has shown that the CytoSorb adsorber is removing - in addition to the inflammatory mediators -the PAMPs and DAMPs, which are causing or inducing the systemic inflammation (see explanation below).
- The introperative application of CytoSorb in open-heart-surgery can prevent extensive, costly and risky therapies like e.g. ECMO in the postoperative setting.
- Three different independent sepsis studies have consistently observed a stabilization of the cardiovascular system, and also suggest that early intervention is superior to late intervention and improves the impact on the clinical outcome.
- The extraordinary safety has again been confirmed for all fields of application.
- For the first time it has been shown systematically that CytoSorb can also effectively remove liver toxins - to some extent better than established liver support therapies.
- CytoSorb therapy was said to be the only effective therapy to treat extensive myoglobinemia as accuring in rhabdomyolysis due to trauma, burns, or infection.
The CytoSorb adsorber also appears to remove many of the substances responsible for systemic inflammation the so called PAMPs (Pathogen associated molecular patterns) - this includes molecules and substances from pathogens (bacteria, viruses, fungi and parasites) e.g. bacterial toxins - and DAMPs (Disease associated molecular patterns) - molecules or particles of the body's own structures which are recognized as foreign structures. The fact that DAMPs and PAMPs are the real inducing factors of inflammation has only been revealed in recent years.
CytoSorbents has presented the best financial results of the previous quarter and year just last week.
Dieter Degler
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