WOODBRIDGE, England, August 8, 2018 /PRNewswire/ --
The Queen's College Library provides a quiet working environment spread across the 17th century Upper Library, 19th Century Lower Library and, opened in 2017, the state of the art New Library. The Lower Library and New Library are open to students 24/7.

(Photo: https://mma.prnewswire.com/media/728221/D_Tech_Queens_College.jpg )
(Photo: https://mma.prnewswire.com/media/728220/Queens_College_Library.jpg )
(Logo: https://mma.prnewswire.com/media/727135/DTech_Logo.jpg )
There has been a library at Queen's ever since its foundation in 1341 and the Queen's College Library is one of the largest college libraries in Oxford, with approximately 50,000 volumes in the lending collection and a vast antiquarian collection of nearly 100,000 volumes.
The Queen's College Library is widely regarded as one of the most beautiful Baroque buildings in Oxford. However, it was recognised that 21st -century refurbishment was crucial to maintain its architectural splendour whilst providing user services that modern-day study demands. The New Library was built underground, beneath the Provost's Garden, and filled with natural light.
The library was refurbished between 2013 and 2014, and as part of that project library security was reviewed and updated to RFID technology. The 2017 New Library extension was an architectural design and construction challenge that required exceptional levels of organisation and contractor coordination. The result is phenomenal, a modern space that is already well-used and appreciated by students and staff. Library technology was reviewed as part of the extension planning.
D-Tech International has been providing library technology solutions to Queen's College since 2006. As technology has advanced and the needs of the library changed D-Tech has provided equipment and solutions to improve security, enhance the student experience and support library staff. When the New Library extension was built, D-Tech provided an additional self-service unit to accelerate the borrowing/return processes and allow students to do both whilst downstairs in the New Library, resulting in:
Expanded services- more access
Improved services- flexibility and convenience
Amanda Saville, Queen's College Librarian, says: "We started using the services of D-Tech International in 2006, following a standard procurement exercise. We upgraded the library security to include EM technology. We have always found D-Tech's service level to be excellent. They always respond well.
"When we moved over to RFID security technology as part of our 2013 refurbishment, we stayed with D-Tech as they remained competitively priced, we knew they were reliable and that the equipment was compatible with our software.
"For the New Library Extension, D-Tech installed an additional self-service unit. The extension did not incorporate an additional entrance, so the D-Tech security gates we already had remained sufficient. As part of a huge project, D-Tech was, as always, flexible and accommodating to fit in with the other contractors' schedules.
"Since we have engaged their services, D-Tech has always resolved any issues that have arisen, quickly and with expert knowledge and I would recommend them to any library facility."
For more information on any of D-Tech's products and services, please call 01394 420077, email info@d-techinternational.com or visit http://d-techinternational.com/
D-Tech International designs, develops and manufactures high-performance RFID products and library security systems. The Company provides installation and customer service for its full range of products. Its technologies include EM, RF, RFIQ and RFID used for self-service, stock control and management, library security, people counting and 24-hour vending.
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