WOODBRIDGE, England, August 9, 2018 /PRNewswire/ --
As a world class research-led institution, it is no surprise that the University of Sheffield is home to an award-winning library service, at the centre of the student learning experience and committed to supporting research with a global reputation.

(Photo: https://mma.prnewswire.com/media/728254/Diamond_CICS.jpg )
(Photo: https://mma.prnewswire.com/media/728255/Sheffield_Library.jpg )
(Logo: https://mma.prnewswire.com/media/727135/DTech_Logo.jpg )
The Library and Corporate Information and Computing Services (CiCS) jointly support two world class learning spaces: the award-winning Information Commons and the £81M Diamond building, opened in 2015, delivering high quality IT-enabled study spaces and 24-hour access to student resources. In these environments, the manual loaning of laptops was limited to staffed hours, the Library and CiCS sought further automation of this function to enhance the service.
The first D-Tech installation was in 2014 when a ComputeIT unit was installed in the Information Commons (IC). Later, the opening of the new £81M Diamond building, which provides nearly 1,000 state-of-the-art study places, led to the decision to install an additional ComputeIT unit, each site having 4x12 bays, up to 48 loanable laptops charged and ready for student use. The installation has resulted in:
Expanded Services - faster access to laptops which can be used anywhere within the building
Improved Services - improved use of staff resources
Improved Customer Experience - easy to use, rapid laptop deployment
Sue Dennison, Library Services Manager, says: "The students have found the cabinets easy to use. The portability of the laptops enables student to use them anywhere within the building, which is great for independent and group study. Although the majority of students have their own laptops, they do not always want to carry expensive and heavy devices around with them, so it is ideal that they can access their University files from the loanable laptops service.
"We have been very happy with the service we have received from D-Tech; they are very helpful and quick to respond. The cabinets have been a success, for students and staff alike, enabling us to use our resources better out in the library, rather than behind a desk issuing laptops."
Chris Jones, Library Systems Manager, says: "From the experience of trialling the service in the IC, and based on student feedback, we removed the 'second scan' requirement and adjusted the laptop availability charge-level to allow us to make more laptops available, more often, without waiting for them to be fully recharged. The Diamond installation saw a significant increase in usage, and both cabinets have been very well used over the past academic year. D-Tech supplied us with high-quality equipment, providing ongoing support, and have carried out additional development work based on our requirements."
For more information on any of D-Tech's products and services, please call +44-1394-420077, email info@d-techinternational.com or visit http://d-techinternational.com/
D-Tech International designs, develops and manufactures high-performance RFID products and library security systems. The Company provides installation and customer service for its full range of products. Its technologies include EM, RF, RFIQ and RFID used for self-service, stock control and management, library security, people counting and 24-hour vending.
Read more case studies here
Janice Walker
T: +44-(0)-147-332-6907
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