Defence IQ: Deployed Medical Care - Market Overview
LONDON, March 8, 2018 /PRNewswire/ --
Medical Support Operations examines the demands of deployed medical care delivery. It considers how patient survivability and treatment can be best delivered in the immediate aftermath of injury or infection, in an environment where there are no appropriate local facilities available to support clinical care.
Delivering medical care on the site of a humanitarian crisis is uniquely challenging. The deployed medical care community is faced with several hurdles including personnel protection, logistics, access and multi-agency collaboration.
In a recent survey on more than 300 deployed care experts, Defence IQ explore the unique challenges faced by this community to gather key insights into capability development priorities, the current threat landscape and the industry solutions that have the most potential.
>> Download the market overview here:
A preview of what the respondents had to say
- "We need a better civil-military partnership to move civilian medical teams using military transportation and logistics assets quickly to the site of a disaster"
- "We need air and sea containers containing ready to move within 24 hours containing all equipment for a forward air station , followed by other containers available to move in 48 hours for a full surgical unit"
- "One of the main threats is medical personnel improperly educated and prepared for the most relative medical threats in foreign environments"
View full results here:
Media Contact: Rumina Akther, Marketing Manager, IQPC: or call +44(0)207-368-9442
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