Diomics Technology Highlighted In Compelling New Study
--New Publication in Forensic Science International Genetics Confirms Value of X-Swab™ Technology in the Forensic DNA Typing Process--
--Diomics, Inc. is Providing X-Swab™ to Forensics and Diagnostic Companies Based on its Proprietary Diomat™ Technology--
SAN DIEGO, July 2, 2014 /PRNewswire/ -- Diomics, Inc., a provider of X-Swab™, a novel bio-specimen collection material, reported that its patented technology was used in a new study being published today in the journal Forensic Science International Genetics. The study, "Evaluation of a Novel Material, Diomics X-Swab™, for Collection of DNA," assessed the ability of X-Swab™ to recover DNA by DNA quantitation and short tandem repeat (STR) typing. The authors conclude that X-Swab™ yielded significantly more DNA and higher average peak heights compared with DNA extracted from competing technologies for both blood and saliva samples, particularly for low quantity samples.
The findings reported today were analyzed using Diomics' Diomat™ technology, and are consistent with earlier studies indicating that more DNA may be recovered from low template DNA-type samples.
"This study demonstrates the utility of X-Swab™ as an efficient bio-specimen collection material," noted Bruce Budowle, Ph.D., Professor and Executive Director of Institute of Applied Genetics at the University of North Texas Health Science Center. Dr. Budowle was one of the first researchers to develop molecular biology analytical systems, such as STR and mitochondrial DNA assays, for forensic applications.
"At Diomics, we have experienced a surge of interest in X-Swab™, based on Diomat™ technology, as an easy-to-use bio-specimen collection device to replace the highly inefficient cotton swab and other commercial devices, enabling immediate DNA forensics applications," explained John F. Steel, Diomics CEO.
Success of DNA typing is related to the amount of target material recovered from an evidentiary item. Generally, the more DNA that is recovered, the better the chance is of obtaining a typing result that will be robust and reliable. The primary method of collecting stain materials is by swabbing. Recovery of DNA from a number of commercially-available swabs is not an efficient process.
Preliminary results using X-Swab™ have demonstrated superior DNA yields from blood and saliva samples, recovering and yielding on average approximately 80% of DNA from samples, versus approximately 30% from other collection modalities.
Results from the new study suggest that the X-Swab™ holds promise as an effective tool for low template DNA recovery and for increasing yield during PCR. Diomat™'s versatile characteristics make it ideal as a DNA collection swab. Diomat™ has the ability to efficiently pick up biologic materials from a variety of surfaces and release the majority of the DNA from the sample into the extraction solution. The Diomat™ capture material becomes soluble in the DNA extraction solution, with little or no sample retained within the capture matrix, unlike other commonly used collection materials.
Mr. Steel added, "This new study confirms the value of X-Swab™ in the forensic DNA typing process. We are already offering X-Swab™ for forensic applications, and we have several ongoing development projects applying Diomat™ as a saliva-based diagnostic for diabetes and oncology applications."
About Diomics, Inc.
Diomics is focused on life sciences, specifically diagnostics, forensics, integrated DNA analysis and genetic solutions. Our proprietary Diomat™ technology platform has the ability to efficiently pick up biologic materials from a variety of surfaces and release the majority of the DNA from the sample into the solution. The versatile characteristics of Diomat™ lend itself to a variety of product formats, including swabs, films, and fibers. Today based in Carlsbad, California, Diomics has developed numerous products, tools and services for the molecular diagnostic and forensic industries.
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