DOC Research Institute Publishes First Annual Report, Charts Progress Made in Y1 of Operations
BERLIN, August 15, 2017 /PRNewswire/ --
The DOC Research Institute ("DOC"), an independent international think tank, has published its first annual report covering the first full year of operations since its launch in July 2016.
To download the full text of the report click here.
Global leaders from the worlds of politics, business, and academia convened in Berlin for the international launch of the DOC on 1 July 2016. The DOC developed out of the WPF Dialogue of Civilizations, which over its 15-year history amassed substantial expertise in creating a space in which people of different faiths, backgrounds, and positions could come together to work to solve some of the world's most pressing problems.
DOC's research activities are built on firm foundations that are designed to ensure and enhance quality, comprising a Programme Council, Expert Committee, Internal and External Researchers, and Joint Research. Full details on structure and approach can be found in the Annual Report.
A central element in the DOC's governance structure is the Supervisory Board. Headed by Dr. Vladimir Yakunin, the Supervisory Board comprises senior advisers and major donors and consists of 12 members.
Key operational highlights from 2016-2017 include:
- Held a series of round-table events, conferences, and lectures, in total taking part in and held over 40 events, attracting over 2,000 people, including the two highest-profile events: its July Berlin DOC Launch and the Rhodes Forum 2016;
- Successfully launched two Calls for Papers, resulting in the publication of 26 Expert Comments, 18 Articles, 13 blogs and opinion pieces, and 1 Special Report in 2016 and Q1 2017;
- Launched three new content sections on the DOC RI website - Chairman's Voice, DOC CEO Series and the E-library, and started distributing a monthly newsletter to subscribers;
- Launched DOC TV as a developing DOC media brand that offers a platform for interviews with key voices on topical issues via its YouTube channel;
- Built up a multinational team of highly qualified staff working out of its Berlin headquarters;
- Concluded two book agreements in Q1 2017 slated for publication in Q3 2017:
Peter W. Schulze (Ed.). (2017). Core Europe and Greater Eurasia: A Roadmap for the Future. Published by Campus.
Raffaele Marchetti (Ed.). (2017). Migration to Europe: For and Against. Published by Routledge.
A central part of DOC's operation involves building on existing and developing new partnership agreements with international institutions active in similar areas. The DOC has built the following partnerships in this period: Chong Yang Financial Institute, Renmin University, China; School of Governance, PKU, China; Soong Ching Ling Foundation, China; ACC ltd, India; Lomonosov Moscow State University and the Berlin State Opera.
The DOC has concluded Memorandums of Understanding with high-profile international institutions including: Friends of Europe (Brussels), Institute for Political and International Studies of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs (IPIS, Iran), SKOLKOVO Moscow School of Management (Moscow), The Institute of World Economics and Politics, Chinese Academy of Social Sciences (China), and the Shanghai Institute for International Studies (SIIS, China).
Vladimir Yakunin, Chairman of the Board of DOC Research Institute, said:
"This past year has been one of transformation and opportunity. In an extremely challenging environment, we have demonstrated agility and flexibility while showcasing the talents and commitment of our members.
"The DOC has a crucial role to play in providing: a platform for all people to come together and share their experiences; conduct rigorous research and analysis of current events and trends with a sharp focus on policy development and practical solutions; and adopt a powerful and adaptable approach to conflict resolution.
Pooran Chandra Pandey, CEO of DOC Research Institute, said:
"Through its varied activities this past year, the DOC has grown and developed as an institution committed to engaging in open and vigorous discussion with policy makers, decision makers, and the expert community. We have developed our website and research capabilities to ensure that our mission statement finds clear expression in our day-today activities."
The Annual Report for 2016 includes details on funding and expenditure. It notes that DOC receives funding from an endowment fund registered in Geneva, Switzerland, and will continue to do so while it is
developing its own revenue streams through fundraising activity, membership fees, E-library fees, conference fees, and sponsorship.
The DOC is an independent, non-partisan think tank, and receives no government funding.
Note for the media:
The Annual Report covers a full year of operations for the DOC Research Institute, which comprises the DOC headquarters in Berlin, Germany; a former World Public Forum "Dialogue of Civilizations" office in Vienna, Austria; and a DOC branch in Moscow, Russia. The report covers DOC operations for the whole of 2016 (financial statements), as well as research and event activities predominantly between the establishment in Berlin in July 2016 and the end of June 2017.
About DOC
The Dialogue of Civilizations Research Institute ("the DOC" or "the DOC RI") is an international think tank that researches and develops proposals to address key challenges faced by the international community today.
Committed to seeking dialogue-based solutions to humankind's most pressing issues, the DOC builds on the World Public Forum Dialogue of Civilizations' legacy and expertise. We bring together global thought leaders from academia, public policy, business, and civil society in order to foster debate, share experiences, and develop sound policy recommendations. The idea of a public forum that would promote dialogue as a means of easing and preventing conflicts, contrary to the theory of an imminent clash of civilizations, followed the adoption of key documents by the UN. On 9 November 2001, UNESCO Member States unanimously adopted the UNESCO Universal Declaration on Cultural Diversity, and the UN General Assembly presented its Global Agenda for Dialogue Among Civilizations. These resolutions laid out principles of intercultural dialogue and laid the basis of the DOC. The World Public Forum Dialogue of Civilizations (WPF), the predecessor of DOC, was founded to advocate for this initiative and help implement its objectives. The WPF was founded in 2002 by Indian entrepreneur and visionary the late Jagdish Kapur, business leader and philanthropist Dr. Vladimir Yakunin, and the businessman Nicholas F.S. Papanicolaou. WPF has enjoyed UN Economic and Social Council (ECOSOC) Special Consultative Status and regularly collaborates with UNESCO.
Media Contacts
Grigory Levchenko: Director, Corporate Communications, Member of Executive Board DOC Research Institute
Agnieszka Rzepka:
Press Officer
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