Don't Let Euphoria Turn to Tears - TDS Warns Students
LONDON, September 7, 2011 /PRNewswire/ --
The Tenancy Deposit Scheme has warned students going into accommodation in the private rented sector this autumn not to let the euphoria of a new university year turn to tears.
In a message to student organisations throughout England, TDS Chief Executive Steve Harriott has urged students to take all necessary precautions to protect their deposits and to control the possible charges against the deposit at the end of their tenancies.
The TDS message to students warned them to check that their deposits are registered, to avoid damage and dilapidation and, if using a letting agent, to check that the business carries clients money protection insurance.
Steve Harriott pointed out to the students that "Asking questions about the protection of the deposit at the earliest opportunity is the first line of defence for a satisfactory letting and a good time at university."
The message to the student organisations urged them to encourage all students to read the overview of the deposit protection system on the TDS website and for the student bodies to contact the Scheme should they need advice about promoting the deposit protection message across their campuses.
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