Eagle Alpha: Reports of Netflix's Demise Have Been Greatly Exaggerated
Consumers Give Apple TV Plus a Cold Shoulder, So Far, as Streaming Wars Intensify
Hulu Continues to Beat Apple, Roku & Amazon Prime
NEW YORK and DUBLIN, Oct. 11, 2019 /PRNewswire/ -- Eagle Alpha's latest report on the intensifying streaming wars suggests that Netflix is in a stronger position than investors have given it credit for as Apple TV Plus loses ground and Hulu maintains its position.
"We are in the early days of the streaming wars," said Dean Barr, Eagle Alpha's Head of Bespoke Projects. "Our analysis shows that investors must look beyond last quarter's financials to come to an informed judgment about who will prevail in battles looming ahead."
Eagle Alpha is the largest aggregator of alternative data globally with access to more than 1,000 datasets and solutions for corporations, private equity funds and buy side firms.
Eagle Alpha's analysis of 32 million Twitter mentions shows that Netflix continues to dominate conversation with an 80%+ share of all mentions as Apple TV Plus, Roku and Amazon Prime continue to languish with less than 5% each. Social media commentary volume is a proxy for consumer preferences and end demand.
Apple TV Plus surged to a more than 7% share when it was unveiled in March but has since sunk below 5% again, even after last month's $5/month pricing for buyers of the new iPhone. Apple TV Plus lags behind Roku and way behind Hulu, the latter of which maintains its second place position behind Netflix. That may change when Apple TV Plus launches on Nov 1. Watch this space.
Meanwhile, enthusiasm on Twitter for Netflix's current content calendar is the strongest since Q2 2016, according to Eagle Alpha's September Netflix report. That report covered 1.1 million unique authors commenting on Netflix shows between Jan 2016 and Aug 2019. The report suggested that investor concern about subscriber growth and enthusiasm for Netflix's original content is overdone.
After plunging throughout 2018, mentions of Netflix content were up sharply in Q3 2019 to their highest level in three years.
Media may request a copy of Eagle Alpha's latest Apple report here.
Corporate, private equity and buy side requests may be made here.
About Eagle Alpha
Established in 2012, Eagle Alpha is the pioneer connecting the universe of alternative data. Its solutions are used by buy side firms, private equity firms and corporations to make data-driven investment and strategic management decisions. With over 1,000 datasets Eagle Alpha has the largest alternative data marketplace globally. With its suite of products, the firm delivers more solutions, to more alternative data challenges than any other alternative data company.
Solutions for data buyers include Data Sourcing, Data Analytics, Data Strategy and Bespoke Projects. To learn more about Eagle Alpha's solutions for buyers (buyside, private equity and corporates) visit www.eaglealpha.com
Solutions for data vendors include Free Profiles, Sales Referrals (Standard), Vendor License, Private Equity DD Club, Dashboards and Joint Ventures. To learn more about Eagle Alpha's solutions for vendors visit www.sellaltdata.com
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Abi O'hUiginn
Tom Vogel / Frank Taylor
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