Easynet Expands Hybrid Cloud Access Across the Globe
LONDON, May 19, 2015 /PRNewswire/ --
Customers will be able to host and access applications locally with a single provider
Easynet is expanding its enterprise cloud, Easynet Enterprise Cloud, further into Asia and the US, to enhance customers' choice and flexibility. This launch follows customers' requests for performance and regulatory compliance, as well as their preference for a single provider.
The availability of local hosting for applications means that businesses will experience an improvement in performance, faster provisioning and, with Easynet's ample portfolio, a comprehensive range of solutions to match their specific requirements.
With many clients having a global presence, Easynet is expanding its Enterprise Cloud with new platforms in Washington, Singapore and Sydney, to guarantee better performance, low latency and compliance, since businesses can decide where the data is stored and where it is supported.
A recent independent survey commissioned by Easynet (1) showed that businesses are gradually moving to hybrid cloud, and more so for those using an integrator, as this enables them to implement new technologies without costly upgrades. As a response to these customers' needs, Easynet offers a single fully integrated solution which is hybrid by design.
Philip Grannum, Easynet's Managing Director of Cloud, Hosting & UC Services, said, "With the continued adoption of Unified Communications by companies on their cloud platforms, it is now paramount to offer low latency, which is improved with local hosting."
"Unlike other services such as traditional telephony, Unified Communications is an area that requires a single provider. We are responding to these market needs with a flexible and scalable solution, and with the levels of support that our customers are used to," explained Grannum. "We offer choice and transparency so our customers can select the right infrastructure for their applications and business needs and the desired level of service - wherever they are."
(1) The survey was carried out by global technology market research company, Vanson Bourne, in Nov-Dec 2014 across Europe on IT decision-makers of companies with over 1,000 employees across all sectors. In total 660 interviews were undertaken from: UK (200), France (100), Germany (100), Italy (100), Spain (100), Belgium (30), Netherlands (30).
Notes to Editors
European Easynet Cloud platforms are located in London, Paris, Amsterdam, Milan and Madrid.
The Easynet Cloud difference
Easynet's service is different to other providers' cloud services in the following ways:
- Cloud proposition - integration of virtual (private, enterprise and public) and physical assets
- Extend control to all a company's virtual assets via our cloud interface: this is unique as there are no European service providers with the ability to integrate all these elements together under a single management gateway
Service SLA:
- Easynet's 99.99% SLA for single site Enterprise Cloud services - this is unique in the European market, as most MSPs provide a 99.9% SLA for these services
Automated Disaster Recovery:
- Easynet provisions customers and replicates all DR virtual servers to its secondary site, automatically protecting them with its geographic recovery services: no other European service provider offers this.
- The Easynet Cloud Portal provides a single customer interface enabling visibility, configuration and rapid deployment of compute resources across our customer' cloud and dedicated hosting environments
- Customers are able to simply migrate virtual machines from one cloud provider to another. For example, a customer can migrate from their test and development platform located within Amazon EC2 to their live production environment located within the Easynet
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