Elephant.co.uk Reveals Research on Problematic Parallel Parking
CARDIFF, Wales, April 5, 2012 /PRNewswire/ --
elephant.co.uk has discovered just how problematic parallel parking is for British motorists. It might seem like a simple, everyday activity, but new research suggests parking is a real headache for many motorists in the UK.
New research by car insurance specialist, elephant.co.uk has revealed one in five (21%) motorists can rarely or never parallel park with three-fifths (58%) giving up and driving off because they haven't been able to manoeuvre their car into a space. More than one in ten (13%) motorists also admit they avoid parallel parking altogether.
Parallel parking was introduced to the driving test in the early 1990s, but according to the study, it's younger drivers that have the hardest time parallel parking, despite being the most likely to have been taught in their driving lessons (77%). Almost a third (29%) of drivers aged between 18 and 24 can rarely or never parallel park and are the most likely to avoid parallel parking altogether (16%).
The over 45s are the least likely to have been taught how to parallel park when they learnt to drive, however less than a fifth (18%) say they can rarely or never parallel park. The over 45s are also one of the least likely age groups to avoid parallel parking altogether (12%).
elephant.co.uk surveyed 2,000 motorists and found the average motorist will spend 4 minutes attempting to park their car into a space before giving up. Some motorists, however, spend much longer. One in seven (14%) will spend between 5 and 15 minutes and 1% said they will even spend more than 30 minutes attempting to park their car.
In fact, the research revealed parking is such a struggle for some people they resort to getting someone else to park for them. A quarter of motorists (25%) have got someone else to park their car with 59% asking their spouse or partner, 37% another friend or relative and 4% even asking a stranger.
elephant.co.uk managing director, Brian Martin said: "It doesn't matter if you're a new driver or if you've been doing it for years, parking can be tricky and parallel parking in particular does seem to be a challenge for many drivers.
"It seems the pressure of someone waiting for you makes the task of parking that much harder. Three fifths (59%) of motorists told us they find it more difficult to park if another motorist is stopped waiting for them to manoeuvre into a space and I can't help but agree!"
A third of drivers (34%) also said they would like to be taught how to parallel park now given the opportunity with more 18 to 24 year olds, than any other age group, wishing they could be taught again; 40% compared to 34% overall.
To help those motorists who struggle to parallel park and give everyone else a parking refresher, elephant.co.uk has joined forces with Fifth Gear's Tim Shaw and stunt driver and double British Autotest Champion, Alastair Moffat to share with motorists the key to parking with ease every time.
People can visit http://www.elephant.co.uk/parking to watch the short film and discover a sure fire way to parallel park every time, no matter what vehicle they're driving.
About elephant.co.uk:
elephant.co.uk was launched in August 2000 and has over 485,000 customers. elephant.co.uk is a trading name of EUI Limited and is part of the Admiral Group plc.
elephant.co.uk specialises in providing online car insurance on the Internet. elephant.co.uk targets 17-35 year-olds living in cities, who traditionally pay higher premiums for car insurance elephant.co.uk is proud to support Tusk throughout 2011.
elephant.co.uk writes its motor insurance business to a consortium of insurers, these being: Admiral Insurance Company Ltd, Admiral Insurance (Gibraltar) Limited and Great Lakes Reinsurance (UK) plc.
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