GIBRALTAR, November 2, 2015 /PRNewswire/ --
Globally recognised gaming giant teams up with leading authorities, Henry Tamburin and Don Schlesinger, to provide the ultimate online Blackjack guide.
888casino, one of the world's most popular online casino game providers, is devoting its considerable gaming expertise and leverage to creating the world's most authoritative online Blackjack guide. Authored by the globally renowned Blackjack expert, Henry Tamburin, and edited by The Blackjack Hall of Fame's Don Schlesinger, the guide brings the most up to date and authoritative strategies, tips and skills to both novice and professional blackjack players.
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Blackjack is deservedly recognised as the most popular casino game played both online and in land-based casinos, but many players are unfamiliar with the intricacies that lead to a full understanding and enjoyment of the game. There are of course a myriad of ways players looking for Blackjack rules, tips and strategies can access information, from online blogs, guides, and eBooks, all the way to good old fashioned parchment and ink, however, none are as extensive and comprehensive as 888casino's new The Ultimate Blackjack Guide.
Partnering with two of the world's most eminent Blackjack maestros, Henry Tamburin and Don Schlesinger, the guide is written in an informal and practical tone and consists of 15 unique chapters with additional sub-chapters. Short paragraphs, easy-to-follow colour-coded charts and Chapter Objectives, Key Takeaways and a Test Yourself quiz add to an enjoyable learning experience. The guide begins with the History of Blackjack and then incrementally introduces topics that give the reader the knowledge to play blackjack skillfully.
With over 40 years' experience, Henry Tamburin, is one of the best known blackjack players and strategists. The author of over 700 gaming articles in publications like The Gambler Magazine, Gaming South Magazine, Strictly Slots and Casino Player Magazine, he teaches courses in blackjack and is known for his blackjack prowess.
Don Schlesinger is an author, lecturer, blackjack player, gaming mathematician and member of the Blackjack Hall of Fame. He devotes his time to blackjack in a research, writing, teaching, and playing capacity.
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