Former Child Soldier and South Sudanese Artist, Emmanuel Jal and TV Presenter, Laura Whitmore join Peace One Day line-up
LONDON, March 2, 2021 /PRNewswire/ -- Peace One Day in association with the Office of the United Nations High Commissioner for Human Rights announce the Peace One Day Anti-Racism Live Global Digital Experience on 21st March 2021, the International Day for the Elimination of Racial Discrimination.
Internationally acclaimed artists, actors and prominent speakers including Actor and Activist, Emmanuel Jal; Singer Songwriter, Entrepreneur & Philanthropist, Popcaan; Commonwealth Secretary-General, The Rt Hon Patricia Scotland QC; Paul Polman, Founder and Chair of Imagine; Dr Shola Mos-Shogbamimu; Lawyer, Political and Women's Rights Activist and Sanda Ojiambo, Executive Director, UN Global Compact, united in their message of diversity, inclusion, equality and justice.
The free-to-register digital experience will unite millions around the world for a day filled with hope, reflection and connection.
Laurent Sauveur, Director of External Relations, Office of the United Nations High Commissioner for Human Rights said: "21 March is an opportunity for each of us to redouble our efforts in eliminating all forms of racial discrimination. We look forward to this global event with Peace One Day to help carry the message of the International Day for the Elimination of Racial Discrimination to the widest possible audience."
Angela Cretu, CEO Avon International said: "At Avon we are open to all, we stand for all and actively promote diversity and inclusion in everything we do. We believe in celebrating diversity around the world and in having the curiosity and humility to go beyond the ideas of 'us and them'. We're proud to support Peace One Day and the Anti-Racism Live Global Digital Experience 2021. We invite our network of 5 million Representatives and their communities to join us in celebrating inclusion, tolerance and diversity."
Hanneke Faber, Global President of Foods and Refreshment Division at Unilever said: "The Unilever team works hard to maintain and promote a culture of anti-racism, inclusion and diversity, both as an organisation and throughout our supply chain. We are delighted to continue our longstanding collaboration with Peace One Day and play our part in raising awareness and driving engagement on the International Day for the Elimination of Racial Discrimination."
Jeremy Gilley, Producer and Director said: "We are humbled and honoured to be producing the Anti-Racism Live Global Digital Experience in association with The Office of the High Commissioner for Human Rights. It is clear that if we want to create peace one day, we must work together to promote diversity, inclusion, equality and justice for all. We want to raise awareness of the Day, facilitate conversations that lead to a more diverse and inclusive world and set out practical action points to help individuals and organisations engage with anti-racism. Wherever you are, please join us for this exciting online event."
The Anti-Racism Live Global Digital Experience 2021 is sponsored by Avon and Lipton.
Peace One Day partners include: The Pathfinders for Peaceful, Just, and Inclusive Societies; UN Global Compact; SDG Global Action Campaign and Peace Innovation Lab at Stanford University and the city of The Hague. For more information on our sponsors and partners visit
Readers can register to watch panel talks and unite with millions around the world for a day filled with hope, reflection and connection at
For all talent and spokesperson interviews please email:
Ami Agbolegbe at
Michelle Agyeman-Coley at
Emmanuel Jal, Musician, Actor and Activist
"I believe I've survived for a reason, to tell my story to touch lives."
Sanda Ojiambo, Executive Director, UN Global Compact
"Today's most sustainable companies know that diversity is a strength, not a weakness. To pave the way towards real change, all of society must work together to combat racism, reduce inequalities, strengthen social protection systems, eliminate all forms of discrimination and provide equal opportunities. Anti-Racism Live Global Digital Experience is an exciting opportunity to emphasise these crucial issues."
Kashif Siddiqi, Footballer, Philanthropist and Co-Founder of Football for Peace
"Football has always been important to Peace One Day, having worked with Jeremy Gilley for many years I am delighted to be participating in the Anti-Racism Live Global Digital Experience on 21 March. It's never been a more crucial time for us to reflect and work together on a journey towards anti-racism and I know football has a major part to play in this"
Dr Shola Mos-Shogbamimu, Political and Women's Rights Activist
"I wanted to support Peace One Day and the Anti-Racism Live Global Digital Experience, as diversity, inclusion, equality and justice are all vital issues I work daily to drive positive change towards. You can watch the broadcast for free at It's time for us all to take anti-racist action."
- Equality & Justice in the Community, Moderator: Dr Shola Mos-Shogbamimu, Lawyer, Political and Women's Rights Activist
- Equality & Justice in the Workplace, Moderator: Paul Polman, Co-Founder & CEO of Imagine
- Gender Justice Superheroes, Moderator: Angela Cretu, CEO, Avon
- Football – A Journey Towards Anti-Racism, Moderator: Kashif Siddiqi, Football Diplomat and Co-Founder Football for Peace
- Tech Pioneers for Equality & Justice, Moderator: Margarita Quihuis, Executive Director of the Peace Innovation Lab Stanford and the Peace Innovation Institute, the Hague
- Youth Taking a Stand Against Racism, Moderator: Afua Nkansah-Asamoah, Activist, Childnet's Youth Advisory Board for project deShame
- Culture for Equality & Justice
#FightRacism #standup4humanrights
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