GDS International Combines Top Healthcare Executives in the United States for its 10th Anniversary NG Healthcare Summit in May
NEW YORK, April 18, 2012 /PRNewswire/ --
On the 23-25 May, The Langham Huntington in Pasadena, California, will play host to a 65-strong consortium of C-level executives and operational officers from the nation's most innovative healthcare enterprises and bodies, attending the tenth annual Next Generation Healthcare Summit. Positioned at the very pinnacle of industry movements, this year's Summit promises to continue its trend as the most well respected event for the Healthcare sector in the US today.
Top C-level executives will be present to discuss cutting-edge business challenges, ranging from emerging image and data sharing solutions, to next steps in EHR and digital operations to name but a few.
The Summit combines high-level roundtable discussions with next generation solutions that, together with the Director of Healthcare Summits for GDS International, Alexander Olson, have been championed by the Summit's very own NG20 - populated with the industry's best-in-class thought leaders - who have helped play a pivotal part in shaping the Summit's two-and-a-half day agenda and trends.
Included within the Summit's senior executive delegation are Duane Wesenberg, VP of IT for Aurora Health Care; Susanna Laundy, VP Operational Finance at Catholic Health Initiatives; Community Medical Centre's CTO, George Vasquez; Mike Leroy, CIO at Detroit Medical Center; and North Shore University Hospital's CMIO, John Chelico.
George Vasquez, who also attended last year's NG Healthcare event at the Marriot's Sawgrass hotel in Florida, had this to say: "This is not the first time I've attended this event, and that's because of the absolute success of the previous [NG Healthcare] events. I always find them to be meaningful and entirely worth my time." Conflating this, Pranam Ben, COO for NIT Healthcare Technologies, said: "We've been very happy with every aspect of whole experience, so I would rate it very highly - if not the highest."
The event has been designed specifically for forward thinking, senior executives in the US Healthcare arena, drawing on experiences and discussing challenges facing the sector. The NG Healthcare Summit will offer comprehensive, one-to-one meetings to give delegates the opportunity to meet with business analysts and solution providers to discuss strategy and technology demands in a rapidly evolving business climate.
Alexander Olson, Director of Healthcare Summits at GDS International, believes the high calibre of speakers and exceptional content, combined with excellent opportunities for networking, give the delegates and sponsors true value for money and a significant return on their investment.
"The May 2012 Next Generation Healthcare Summit will provide a platform for senior healthcare executives to mindshare, benchmark and address the evolving landscape of healthcare technology.
"This is the first year we have combined both of our NG Healthcare Summits; with CFOs and VPs of finance and operations coming from our NG Healthcare Finance pool, and CIOs, CMIOs, and CMOs coming from our NG Healthcare pool. With the recent healthcare reform, government mandates and challenges with technology integration, we felt it important to have all key stakeholders present. Indeed, many of these healthcare decision makers have overlapping concerns and responsibilities with widespread technological implementations on the horizon. This year's NG Healthcare Summit will serve as the industry's medium to embrace the advancement of innovation in the space," he said.
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About GDS International
GDS International is the global business event organization behind iStrategy, and is one of the most innovative events and media companies worldwide - and a globally renowned producer of business-to-business summits, conferences, online information and advisory group gatherings. Founded in 1993, GDS International specializes in meeting the B2B marketing needs of our clients. Having a strong presence in mature industrial sectors but a finger on the pulse of emerging markets - as well as up-and-coming B2B business verticals - means we are perfectly placed to capitalize on the exciting developments brought about by the advent of a globalized economy. Our value proposition is simple: we deliver tangible business results from world-class events.
Contact: Rachel Sandeman
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