Go Green or Go Home - The Competition for Green Technology is Underway
TEL AVIV, Israel, August 26, 2014 /PRNewswire/ --
CleanTech Open Global Ideas Competition is an international competition about green technology, which takes place every November in Silicon Valley. The competition is held as part of Global Entrepreneurship Week (GEW), a global initiative with nearly 150 participating countries all aimed at developing and promoting new ideas, technology, and entrepreneurial spirit.
About the competition
The purpose of the CleanTech Open competition is to identify and promote breakthrough solutions in a number of areas, including: energy generation, energy efficiency, water and waste, smart grid technology, energy distribution and storage, green building, and smart transportation.
This year, a big number of companies entered the competition to bring forward their ideas and to try to secure a spot in the international competition being held in California. Registration for CleanTech Open closed mid-July and since then, a renowned panel of judges have been carefully reviewing the applicants and their proposals.
The judges have reached a consensus on the top six start-ups who will go on to the national final being held on September 10, 2014 at Tel Aviv University in front of an audience of entrepreneurs, researchers, managers, investors, and government representatives.
Who still stands?
AutoAgronom - provides a unique solution that empowers growers to practice sustainable agriculture.
BreezoMeter - Real Time Air pollution mapping platform.
EVR Motors Ltd - lightweight direct drive generator for wind turbine.
GreenIQ - IOT startup that develops & markets a smart garden hub.
Paulee CleanTec - Novel technology that transforms animal and human waste into harmless fertilizer free from pathogens and bad odor.
Solarpaint L.T.D - Develop technology that converts every surface into solar panels.
From the six remaining companies, one winner will be selected to represent Israel in the global competition being held during Global Entrepreneurship Week in November.
Additionally, representatives from a variety of companies throughout Israel have supported CleanTech Open and have been involved throughout the process. These Main Partners in Israel include GEW Israel, Capital Nature Investment Group, the Institute for Business Environment and Society at Tel Aviv University, MIT Enterprise Forum - Israel, and the Israel Export and International Cooperation Institute.
To learn more about CleanTech Open, please contact :
Gil Shourka, National Coordinator GEW- Israel
Tel: +972-03-6405607
Email: gew.israel@gmail.com
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