HandCash partners with Circle and Fabriik to offer in-app top-ups
MADRID, Feb. 24, 2022 /PRNewswire/ -- Handcash, the leading wallet aimed to make trading BSV as easy as possible, have partnered with the US-based payment giant Circle and the booming Canadian fintech Fabriik.
Handcash reached out to both companies with the UX-first design they had in mind for the fiat ramps system; they both wanted to help and in a surprise twist it turns out many of the employees of both businesses were Handcash users already.
The Handcash goal was to be able to offer an in-app, instant experience but with the liquidity, reliability, and support of the biggest players. By integrating Fabriik's Weave API into the client onboarding experience, it provides BSV liquidity in-app and the functionality to trade crypto seamlessly.
The fiat ramps have, for a long time, been a big bottleneck for clients but this is now solved and Handcash believes this will be a springboard to seeing strong user growth.
Handcash plan to launch their 4.0 update along with the fiat ramp system on February 25th, starting in the United States and expanding to Europe and Mexico shortly after.
Alex Agut, HandCash CEO: "I would like to personally thank everyone involved - too many to mention - for their professionalism. It wasn't an easy task - and I must recognize we were very demanding - but after a couple of years of hard work we have finally built the fiat ramps not just the way we intended, but even better."

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