Health Robotics Reports i.v.STATION "Live" Installation at Wyoming Medical Center Within 12 Weeks from Contract
BOZEN, Sud-Tirol, Italy, November 29, 2012 /PRNewswire/ --
Health Robotics today reported a new i.v.STATION "Go Live" in record time at Wyoming Medical Center in Casper, Wyoming. This quick implementation highlights the benefits that Health-System Pharmacies can immediately garner from Health Robotics' streamlined implementation processes, especially in light of the recent drug shortages and closures of NECC and Ameridose. Health Robotics' customers continue leading the market towards insourcing of Sterile Compounding Automation, while taking advantage of the cost and patient safety benefits.
John Arross, Director of Pharmacy at Wyoming Medical Center, stated: "Within 12 weeks after signing a contract with Health Robotics we were able to install the i.v.STATION Robot and conduct the air quality, microbiology, cross-contamination, performance, and other standard acceptance tests necessary to "Go Live" on October 16, 2012. Commonly used products on i.v.STATION are Cefazolin, Ceftriaxone, Clindamycin, Gentamicin, Oxytocin, Vancomycin, and Zosyn."
Gaspar DeViedma, Health Robotics' Executive Vice President, stated: "Wyoming Medical Center how holds the record for fastest "Live" implementation of i.v.STATION, shattering our previous best practice of 16 weeks from purchase order to "Live". As we continue improving our implementation processes, we keep demonstrating that i.v.STATION is a very affordable solution for Community Hospitals, yielding an extraordinarily fast Return On Investment. i.v.STATION is quickly installed without disrupting existing Sterile Compounding operations, without requiring additional premium space in the Pharmacy, and without costly construction expenses. In addition to i.v.STATION's prior documented success at Academic, Pediatric, and Outsourced Compounding Centers, i.v.STATION's unique Second Generation architecture advantages demonstrate its adaptability to all types of Health-System Pharmacies."
About Health Robotics:
Founded in 2006, Health Robotics is the undisputed global leading supplier of life- critical intravenous medication robots, winning 100% of all worldwide I.V. Robot's publicly announced purchases in 2010 and 2011, and providing over 300 hospital installations in 5 continents with robotics-based technology and clinical software automation solutions. Health Robotics' world-leading solutions CytoCare® and i.v.STATION® ONCO [hazardous IVs], i.v.STATION® [non-hazardous IVs], i.v.SOFT® [workflow engine for sterile compounding], OMM® [Oncology Medication Management], MEDarchiver® [life-critical clinical information system], and TPNstation® [totally-automated parenteral nutrition] have and will greatly contribute to ease hospitals' growing pressures to improve patient safety, increase throughput and contain costs. Through the effective and efficient production of sterile, accurate, tamper-evident and ready-to-administer IVs, Health Robotics' products help hospitals eliminate life-threatening drug and diluent exchange errors, decrease other medical mistakes and sterility risks, work more efficiently, reduce waste and controlled substances' diversion, and diminish the gap between rising patient volume/acuity and scarce medical, nursing, and pharmacy staff. For more information, please visit:
For additional information, please contact:
In North America: Claudia Perez
Phone +1-786-417-1251
In Europe: Luisa Celeghin
Phone: +39-0403-498-468
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