** November 7–9, 2023 – Stand F186 A and B Pavilion P2 **
Cities of the future think about the present. How do you define what is to be promoted or eliminated? What is the role of the human and how can we create balanced interactions beyond the transportation subject?
DUBLIN, Nov. 2, 2023 /PRNewswire/ -- All these challenges have led HubUR to think about the smart city of tomorrow in the era of teleworking, the depopulation of metropolises coupled with social exclusion, ecology, etc. to provide the community with relevant solutions.
Through an innovative third-place 3.0 concept, HubUR provides a multifaceted response to people in collaboration with the public authorities – places of life and work in every city, where services are lacking, but also environmentally responsible vehicles for all travel needs. HubUR stations can be installed everywhere: for surfaces that can start at 80 m² and go up to 3,500 m². HubUR is a viable option for local actors wanting to meet the needs of their populations.
The company aims to develop 3,000 locations in Europe under a common brand and to create at least 6,000 jobs.
This franchise gives local entrepreneurs the opportunity to be an integral part of the overall project.
HubUR, a versatile and affordable hybrid offer:
- Telework: flex offices for work, collective intelligence and learning
- Green mobility: environmentally friendly vehicles (gyropods, bicycles, scooters, cars, etc.) for individual or shared trips
- Technology services: a community network, and digital platform for an on-demand offer and various events, not to mention the e-commerce site and a private blockchain offering the HubUR token
- Social impact: spaces designed specifically for well-being, in line with an art of living from the sources of human needs, for "agile productivity"
Other services may be added depending on the type of implementation location and the needs identified (daycare, dry cleaner, gym, etc.).
From the small HubUR "eco" city to the hydrogen bike, Philippe Cussonnier, Chief Executive Officer, and his team are ready to come and discover these innovations and answer your questions.
Photo: https://mma.prnewswire.com/media/2262075/Imagination_becomes_reality.jpg
Logo: https://mma.prnewswire.com/media/2261076/HubUR_Logo.jpg
Press contact:
Sarah Hachemi

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