ST PETERSBURG, Russia, July 3, 2013 /PRNewswire/ --
Based on the results of inspection carried out by the International Air Transport Association IATA, Yenisei refuelling facility at Yemelyanovo Airport (Krasnoyarsk) managed jointly by Gazpromneft-Aero and LUKOIL-AERO was rated as providing the best quality jet fuel supply service for the fuelling of all types of aircrafts.
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The inspection of Yenisei refuelling facility in Yemelyanovo was held for the first time. The inspection board included representatives from Lufthansa airlines. The experts have noted high level of both operational and environmental safety of the refuelling complex, as well as compliance of the operations with the best international practices of jet fuel supply service.
Gazpromneft-Aero General Director Vladimir Egorov noted: "Besides the refuelling complex in Krasnoyarsk, six other refuelling facilities of Gazpromneft-Aero were rated by IATA as providing the best quality jet fuel supply service. In our operational activity we follow world's best practices, required for the development of cooperation with largest Russian and foreign airlines. We are looking forward to further expansion of our partnership, keeping consistently high quality of the fuel and services provided."
"Yenisei refuelling complex is a promising facility for development of the airport's fuelling infrastructure and for fuelling of the largest international airlines. We have smoothly performed test fuelling for a Lufthansa aircraft. The inspection has shown that the company has implemented international standards for jet fuel operations ensuring compliance with the highest level of fuelling operations safety," said IATA Fuel Quality Inspector Peter Westphal.
Gazpromneft - Aero is a Gazprom Neft subsidiary. It has been operating as a provider of aircraft refueling and into-plane supply services since 1 January, 2008. Since December, 2008, Gazpromneft - Aero has been a strategic partner of the International Air Transport Association (IATA) in aviation fuel supplies.
Yenisei Refuelling Company, LLC has been operating as a provider of aircraft refueling at the Yemelyanovo Airport (Krasnoyarsk) since July 2012.The joint venture ofGazpromneft-Aero and LUKOIL-AERO has been managing Yenisei refuelling complex since the end of 2012. Currently, the clients of the refuelling complex are Aeroflot, S7, I FLY, UTair and others.
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