Iba: Brazilian pulp exports higher in the first quarter of 2015
SAO PAULO, April 24, 2015 /PRNewswire/ -- The volume of pulp exports from Brazil reached 2.8 million tons for the first three months of 2015, 19.9% higher than in the same period a year ago, when 2.3 million tons were exported. For the wood panels segment, first quarter exports totaled 129,000 m³, up 43.3% compared to a year ago, when 90,000 m³ were exported. Paper exports totaled 462,000 tons in the first quarter of this year, 3.5% lower year-over-year.
Please see below additional performance indicators for the planted tree industry, in the eleventh edition of Cenarios Iba, the monthly bulletin of the Brazilian Tree Industry.
Production – In the first three months of 2015 pulp production reached 4.1 million tons, up 7.0% from 3.9 million tons produced in the same period a year ago. Wood panel production was practically stable at 1.9 million m³. Paper production also remained practically stable from January through March 2015 at 2.5 million tons.
Domestic Sales – Domestic wood panel sales achieved 1.8 million m³ in the first quarter of 2015, up 1.4% year-over-year. Paper sales totaled 1,300 tons, 7.0% lower than in the same period in 2014.
Export revenues – First quarter exports revenues from pulp, paper and wood panels totaled US$ 1.8 billion in 2015, a 3.1% increase year-over-year. The industry's trade balance in the first three months of the year reached US$ 1.4 billion, 7.5% higher compared than in the same period a year ago.
For more information, to schedule an interview or update your contact information, please contact the Corporate Communications team at Iba:
Milena Serro
(+5511) 3018-7829
Silvia Maiolino
(+55-11) 3018-7803
The Cenarios Iba bulletin is also available for download at www.iba.org.
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