IFRA Commits to Integrate Non Animal Data in Skin Sensitization Risk Assessment
BRUSSELS, December 16, 2015 /PRNewswire/ --
Today, at the third Annual Review of the IDEA Project (International Dialogue for the Evaluation of Allergens), held under the auspices of the European Commission (DG SANTE) the industry has confirmed its commitment to alternative approaches to animal testing.
This significant step is intended to lead to the development of a new approach integrating non-animal data to assess the potency of skin sensitizers. "I am keen to highlight one of the top priorities for the IDEA Project, the eventual integration of non-animal data in risk assessment, achieving at least the same level of confidence as with the LLNA* approach." said Michael Carlos, Chairman of the IFRA Board. "Having the express support and expertise of the JRC (Joint Research Centre) and the scientific community will help in achieving this ambitious challenge enhancing the safety of consumers," Carlos continued.
Since its start in 2013, the IDEA project has conducted eight workshops gathering over 40 scientific and medical experts from academia, clinics and research centres, including past and current Scientific Committee members as well as over 30 industry experts.
This multi-stakeholder project also achieved two key milestones which were reviewed today in Luxembourg. Firstly, the Quantitative Risk Assessment (QRA) for fragrance materials enhanced with an in-depth analysis of the Skin Sensitization Safety Factors and complemented with a thorough aggregate exposure model. This QRA model, reviewed by the JRC, opens the way for Authorities and Industry to approach risk assessment of fragrance ingredients with a common tool. This should greatly contribute to the prevention of the induction of skin sensitization.
The second milestone is the advanced analytical work to better identify and understand the mechanism of pre- and pro-haptens, in the field of oxidation.
Finally, the fragrance industry thanked the Commission for its continuous support and welcomes the opportunity for dialogue with the Scientific Community through the yearly Annual Reviews. "Such dialogues build understanding and foster trust, contributing immensely to advancing consumer safety and well-being," explained Pierre Sivac, IFRA President. "It has become evident that the IDEA project model may have applications beyond fragrance skin allergies linked to the use of cosmetic products. This could support a cross sectorial approach, addressing the societal concerns of citizens who look at consumer products as a whole and safety "at home" as all inclusive," concluded Sivac.
Notes to Editors:
For full details on the IDEA project and results of the first and second year's workshops go to the dedicated website at: http://ideaproject.info/ or the EU Commission's Scientific Committees' website at: http://ec.europa.eu/health/scientific_committees/events/ev_20151216_en.htm
*LLNA or Local Lymph Node Assay.
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