IMC Governors Vote Brown, Bybjerg, as New Chair, Vice Chair
LONDON, Feb. 4, 2020 /PRNewswire/ -- The Board of Governors of the IoT M2M Council has voted to elect Sara Brown of MultiTech and Kim Bybjerg of Tata Communications as their new Chairman and Vice Chairman, respectively. Nominations and voting took place at the IMC's Annual General Meeting at the Consumer Electronics Show in Las Vegas last month. The IMC is comprised of 25,000 enterprise users, OEMs and apps developers as rank-and-file members, and its board includes representatives from AWS, HPE, Semtech, and Vodafone, among many other technology solutions providers.
"The IMC is the largest trade group serving the IoT sector, and we aim to increase adoption of IoT technology by bringing buyers and sellers together," says Brown, who is VP of Marketing at edge hardware provider MultiTech, in addition to her new role IMC Chair. "In addition to our growing trade-show relationships with CES and Hannover Messe, we've developed template RFPs and Guidelines for IoT Technology sourcing, software tools that help byers identify their needs, a library of over 200 IoT use-cases, and eight vertical-market push-content channels."
Both Brown and Bybjerg bring decades of experience to their new roles. Brown has worked for IBM, Wavecom/Sierra Wireless, and Telit, and has consulted to global technology companies. Bybjerg, who is VP for IoT and mobility at Tata Communications, has held senior positions in IoT at leading companies like KPN, Vodafone and Jasper. Brown replaces Volkhard Bregulla of HPE as IMC chairman as he steps down after his one-year term.
"Significant expansions for our trade-show activities at CES and Hannover Messe – the world's largest manufacturing show – as well as increase in the scope and format of our RFP Guidelines are just some of the projects Kim and I intend to get rolling this year. We intend to take the IMC to the next level in terms of providing enhanced value of both content and engagements to drive digital transformation," says Brown.
About the IoT M2M Council
The IMC is the largest trade group dedicated to the global IoT/M2M sector – with over 25,000 IoT OEMs, enterprise users, and apps developers that buy IoT solutions as members. Board Member-Companies include 1NCE, Aeris, Amazon Web Services, BICS, Digi International, HPE, iBasis, KORE, Losant, Micro-Ant, MultiTech, Pod Systems Group, Semtech, SIGFOX, Taoglas, Tata Communications, Telit, u-Blox, and Vodafone. For more information, visit

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