Immunovia announces positive update on physician experience program with IMMray™ PanCan-d
LUND, Sweden, Oct. 12, 2022 /PRNewswire/ -- Immunovia AB (Nasdaq Stockholm: IMMNOV) today announced positive feedback from its physician experience program for the IMMray™ PanCan-d test in the U.S., which is nearing completion. The program has included 23 high risk surveillance centers around the U.S. thus far, and physicians have showed substantial interest in the use of IMMray™ PanCan-d to detect early-stage pancreatic cancer.
Immunovia's physician experience program was designed for providers in the U.S. to gain clinical experience using the IMMray™ PanCan-d test. Feedback from participating physicians suggests IMMray™ PanCan-d is an important test for early detection of Pancreatic Cancer and their centers would like to incorporate the test into regular patient care. The novel test has been broadly adopted by physicians at the 23 high risk surveillance centers across the US and has contributed to more patients getting screened for early-stage pancreatic cancer. The company anticipates the completion of the initial physician experience program to occur before the end of the year. Upon completion, the company intends to release a more comprehensive analysis of feedback and usage trends among initial participants.
Dr. Rosario Ligresti from Hackensack Meridian Health's New Jersey surveillance center has used the IMMray™ PanCan-d test since April. According to Dr. Ligresti being able to offer a blood test that can detect early-stage pancreatic ductal adenocarcinoma (PDAC) is a game-changer.
He said, "With our location in New Jersey, and with the number of high-quality surveillance programs around us, IMMray™ PanCan-d is a marketing tool to draw new patients into our surveillance program. The current imaging modalities are imperfect and not always pleasant for our patients. Beyond that, IMMray™ PanCan-d has been a great adjunct to our surveillance program, providing additional information to help us better manage our patients."
In September, Immunovia received a preliminary determination rate for IMMray™ PanCan-d from The Centers of Medicare & Medicaid Services.
"We are very pleased with the positive feedback on our physician experience program in the U.S.," said Philipp Mathieu – CEO and President of Immunovia. "Increasing the number of patients that get diagnosed in the early-stage pancreatic cancer makes it possible for more patients to have surgical resection of their tumor, which today is the only potentially curative treatment available for PDAC. The recent preliminary determination rate from CMS and our successful physician experience program are important steps in building Immunovia's commercial presence in the U.S."
For more information, please contact:
Philipp Mathieu
CEO and President
Karin Almqvist Liwendahl
Chief Financial Officer
About Immunovia
Immunovia AB is a diagnostic company with the vision to revolutionize blood-based diagnostics and increase survival rates for patients with cancer.
Our first product, IMMray™ PanCan-d is the only blood test currently available for early detection of pancreatic cancer. The test has unmatched clinical performance. Commercialization of IMMray™ PanCan-d started in August 2021 in the USA and IMMray™ PanCan-d is offered as a laboratory developed test (LDT) exclusively through Immunovia, Inc. For more information see:
Immunovia collaborates and engages with healthcare providers, leading experts and patient advocacy groups globally to make this test available to all high-risk pancreatic cancer groups.
The USA, the first market in which IMMray™ PanCan-d is commercially available, is the world's largest market for the detection of pancreatic cancer with an estimated value of more than USD 4 billion annually.
Immunovia's shares (IMMNOV) are listed on Nasdaq Stockholm. For more information, please visit
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