STOCKHOLM, April 27, 2022 /PRNewswire/ --
- Revenue amounted to €381.7m (€317.2m), an increase of 20.3% with an organic growth of 13.8%.
- Operating profit (EBIT) was €22.5m (€41.6m), representing an operating margin of 5.9% (13.1%).
- Net profit amounted to €12.3m (€26.3m), which represents a net profit margin of 3.2% (8.3%).
- EBITDA was €62.6m (€65.5m), a decrease by 4.4%. EBITDA margin was 16.4% (20.6%).
- EBITDAaL amounted to €42.9m (€52.9m), corresponding to an EBITDAaL margin of 11.2% (16.7%).
- Net cash flow from operating activities was €45.8m (€57.7m).
- Basic/diluted earnings per share were €0.082 (€0.174).
- Operations in Ukraine have been negatively impacted by the Russian Federation invasion and war, a €-5.1m impairment was recognised.
€ millions (€m) |
Q1 2022 |
Q1 2021 |
Variance |
LTM* |
FY 2021 |
Revenue |
381.7 |
317.2 |
20% |
1,441.9 |
1,377.4 |
Operating profit (EBIT) |
22.5 |
41.6 |
-46% |
140.3 |
159.4 |
Operating profit margin |
5.9% |
13.1% |
9.7% |
11.6% |
Net profit |
12.3 |
26.3 |
-53% |
92.6 |
106.6 |
Net profit margin |
3.2% |
8.3% |
6.4% |
7.7% |
Basic/diluted earnings per share, € |
0.082 |
0.174 |
-53% |
0.595 |
0.686 |
62.6 |
65.5 |
-4% |
267.5 |
270.4 |
EBITDA margin |
16.4% |
20.6% |
18.6% |
19.6% |
Adjusted EBITDA |
67.5 |
66.9 |
1% |
281.1 |
280.5 |
Adjusted EBITDA margin |
17.7% |
21.1% |
19.5% |
20.4% |
42.9 |
52.9 |
-19% |
200.8 |
210.8 |
EBITDAaL margin |
11.2% |
16.7% |
13.9% |
15.3% |
Adjusted EBITDAaL |
47.8 |
54.3 |
-12% |
214.4 |
220.9 |
Adjusted EBITDAaL margin |
12.5% |
17.1% |
14.9% |
16.0% |
32.0 |
44.1 |
-27% |
159.1 |
171.2 |
EBITA margin |
8.4% |
13.9% |
11.0% |
12.4% |
Definition and reconciliation of alternative performance measures are available at *LTM: last twelve months (1 April 2021-31 March 2022)
CEO Statement
2021 was a record year and 2022 started very well, to be then set back with an unprovoked Russian Federation invasion of Ukraine. We strongly condemn the atrocities of the Russian Federation and stand by the Ukrainian nation and people. Medicover has more than 3,500 employees in Ukraine and our focus has been on how we can support them in this difficult time. Significant effort has been put into organising resources in neighbouring countries, notably Poland, to be able to take care of the staff and families who have wanted to leave. Given the essential nature of Medicover's services in Ukraine, business activity has been maintained for most of the period, however at low volume. As of today, we have damage to some of our blood-drawing points and some others are in the occupied zones. As a consequence we have recognised an impairment of €-5.1m related to damaged and destroyed assets as well as assets no longer under our control. We closely monitor the situation and take necessary actions always with focus on our employees' health and wellbeing.
Overall, the business has performed well and revenue for the quarter grew 20.3% to €381.7m (€317.2m), with an organic growth of 13.8%.
Fee-For-Service and other services (FFS) increased by 21.8% during the quarter, now representing 58% of total revenue.
EBITDA was €62.6m (€65.5m), decreased by 4.4%, representing an EBITDA margin of 16.4% (20.6%), however adjusted EBITDA slightly increased to €67.5m (€66.9m), with a margin of 17.7% (21.1%).
It is clearly an illustration of the strength and diversification of our business, to be able to report such solid revenue growth and profit margin, despite a war in one of our major markets and major expansion of facilities.
Healthcare Services revenue grew by 32.3% to €208.1m (€157.3m), with organic growth of 22.6%. The attractiveness of the Integrated Healthcare Model remains, and the number of members grew a historically strong 84 000 new members during the quarter, or 14.1 per cent, to 1.6 million members at quarter end. This is more than half of the member growth of the entire year 2021, which in itself was by far our strongest member growth year ever, very well illustrating the exceptional strong growth this quarter. FFS equally grew very strongly at 46.3% in the quarter and represented 54% of divisional revenue.
Healthcare Services EBITDA grew by 14.7% to €25.7m (€22.5m), an EBITDA margin of 12.4% (14.3%). We experience a rising medical cost ratio on the back of continued medical cost inflation and higher utilisation in the Integrated Healthcare Model as infectious diseases suppressed by Covid-19 measures are surging. We remain focused and confident on managing the required price adjustments alongside operating efficiency gains to compensate for the increased cost levels. At the same time significant hospital and gym network investment and expansion are at an earlier development phase and hence are short term dilutive to margin. Over the past 12 months Healthcare Services has invested in operational facilities, both owned and leased, adding approximately 200,000 sqm, with medical and dental clinics, around 60 gyms, 1,900 hospital beds in India alone and other hospitals in Romania and Poland. This very well illustrates the dynamic positioning for continued strong growth of the Group.
Diagnostic Services revenue grew by 7.9% to €178.5m (€165.5m), with organic growth of 4.6%. We have continued to see strong Covid-19-testing, notably in Germany during the quarter, however with more Covid-19 volume reduction in other markets. The number of laboratory tests amounted to 32.0 million (32.6 million), a decrease of 2.0%. The number of blood-drawing points (BDPs) amounted to 886 (756). FFS grew by 3.0% in the quarter and represented 64% of divisional revenue.
Diagnostic Services EBITDA amounted to €44.2m (€47.3m) a decrease of 6.7%, an EBITDA margin of 24.7% (28.6%). Ukraine had a negative impact on the division from the end of February whilst Covid-19-testing continued to support profit and margins.
During the quarter we have continued our strategic agenda to grow in existing markets and expand service offering, both divisions have completed acquisitions. Healthcare Services in the field of vision care, gym and hospitals in Poland, Romania and India while Diagnostic Services acquired laboratories in Cyprus and Bosnia-Herzegovina.
We are confident and optimistic about the future despite the uncertainties with the invasion of Ukraine. Our people and organisation have responded to the Ukraine humanitarian crisis and challenges in a way that illustrates the strongest asset of our company, our culture and values, and for this, I am personally immensely proud and grateful. Overall business is strong and performing well with a continued solid outlook, and we are trading ahead of our three-year financial targets (2020-2022).
Fredrik Rågmark
For complete report see attached pdf.
This report has not been subject to review by the Company's auditor.
This is information that Medicover AB is obliged to make public pursuant to the EU Market Abuse Regulation. The information was submitted for publication through the agency of the contact person set out below at 7.45 (CEST) on 27 April 2022. This interim report and other information about Medicover is available at
Financial Calendar
Annual general meeting 27 April
Interim report April-June 22 July
Interim report July-September 3 November
For further information, please contact:
Hanna Bjellquist, Head of Investor Relations
Phone: +46 70 303 32 72
Conference call: A conference call for analysts and investors will be held today at 09.30 CEST. To listen in please register here. To ask questions please dial in and use code: 8544609
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UK: +44 (0) 2071 928 338
US: +1 646 741 3167
Medicover is a leading international healthcare and diagnostic services company and was founded in 1995. Medicover operates a large number of ambulatory clinics, hospitals, specialty-care facilities,laboratories and blood-drawing points and the largest markets are Poland and Germany. In 2021, Medicover had revenue of EUR 1,377 million and more than 38,000 employees. For more information, go to
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Interim report Q1 2022 |

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