Itaipu brings experience in biogas research to COP 29
Superintendent of Renewable Energy shared knowledge in a panel on Circular Economy and Industry Decarbonization, at the Climate Conference, in Azerbaijan
FOZ DO IGUAÇU, Brazil, Nov. 21, 2024 /PRNewswire/ -- Itaipu Binacional's Renewable Energy Superintendent, Rogério Meneghetti, participated on Tuesday, November 12, in the United Nations Climate Change Conference (COP 29) in Azerbaijan, at the panel "Accelerating Circular Economy and Industry Decarbonization in Brazil."
The event was organized in partnership with the Ministry of Development, Industry, Commerce, and Services and the Brazilian Agency for Industrial Development, and highlighted how practices that transform waste into new resources can promote sustainability and enhance the competitiveness of Brazilian industry in the global scenario.
Meneghetti shared information about Itaipu's support for the development of renewable energy, especially biogas. "Over 15 years ago, when the projects were still within universities, Itaipu started to implement the first pilot projects in the field of renewable energy generation and distribution. This way, we contributed to the technical viability of the sector, economic incentives, the training of skilled labor, with the establishment of the International Center for Renewable Energy (CIBiogás), and contributed to the formation of the Brazilian Biogas Association (ABiogás)," he stated.
In addition to Itaipu's case, other Brazilian experiences were discussed, such as the Recircula Brasil platform, which tracks plastic, the National Circular Economy Strategy, which sets guidelines to promote circularity across various sectors, and the Selo Verde Program, which encourages environmental certification for products and companies.
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