Kallanish Launches Targeted Daily Steel News Service
LONDON, September 16, 2014 /PRNewswire/ --
Business media company Kallanish is excited to announce the launch of a daily news service for the global steel and related raw materials industries. This will focus on genuine commercially relevant news for all employed up and down the supply-chain - miners, producers, traders, value-adders, and consumers, as well as associated financiers, advisors, policymakers and industry representatives.
"Today's industry professionals are faced with many complex questions, so we're now providing a full solution for the industry that includes daily news and information, as well as training and data," says Kalin Rusev, Director Kallanish.
The experienced editorial team already spans the globe with staff based in London, Dubai, and Shanghai, who are targeting originally researched content, unavailable elsewhere. The team goes beyond daily price reporting, to focus on news, which is forward looking and provides alternative opinions and views, following the stories, which are integral to the industry's progress.
"We are still a small team, but our agility and dedication has already paid dividends, with too many scoops over the summer to list here. When a head sales guy from a major European steel producer calls Kallanish, to ask for our market information, we know we are getting it right!" says Victoria Glasson, Editor, Kallanish.
Kallanish was launched in July 2013 as a global business to train and support professionals to better understand and reach their markets, such as steel, oil, gas and coal. "We have enjoyed and are extremely proud of the past year where we held successful executive level training courses in Dubai, London, and Zurich for the metals and energy sectors, and are now excited for the next step," says Caroline Macmillan, Director Kallanish.
There is an opportunity to meet the Kallanish team at a networking event on the 24th September from 17:30-20:00 in central London. RSVP: caroline@kallanish.com.
Information for Editors:
Please contact us to receive your daily steel news emails on a free press subscription. The news is delivered daily by email and online. Kallanish Steel will cover HRC, CRC, HDG, Rebar, Scrap, Heavy Sections, Tubes and Pipes, in the European, Middle East and Asian regions as well as Flats and Longs prices. Kallanish editors are available for comments and quotes on all articles.
For Media Enquiries Contact:
Caroline Macmillan, Director, Kallanish
Contact Details: caroline@kallanish.com or +44(0)208-735-6520
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