Karo Pharma publishes prospectus relating to the rights issue and receives approval to change listing venue to Nasdaq First North Growth Market
HUDDINGE, Sweden, March 23, 2022 /PRNewswire/ -- The prospectus relating to the rights issue in Karo Pharma Aktiebolag ("Karo Pharma") of approximately SEK 2.5 billion (the "Rights Issue") has today, on 23 March 2022, been approved and registered by the Swedish Financial Supervisory Authority. Karo Pharma has today also applied for and received approval from Nasdaq Stockholm to have its shares admitted to trading on Nasdaq First North Growth Market.
The prospectus is available on Karo Pharma's website, www.karopharma.com, as well as on SEB's website for prospectuses, www.sebgroup.se/prospectus, DNB's website for prospectuses, www.dnb.se/emission, and Swedbank's website for prospectuses, www.swedbank.se/prospekt.
Application forms for subscription without subscription rights are available on Karo Pharma's website and SEB's prospectus website. The subscription period will run from and including 28 March 2022 up to and including 11 April 2022.
Change of Listing Venue
As communicated on 9 March 2022 and 10 March 2022, respectively, Karo Pharma has applied for delisting of its shares from Nasdaq Stockholm and Nasdaq Stockholm has approved the application, subject to certain conditions, including that Karo Pharma's shares are admitted to trading on Nasdaq First North Growth Market (the "Change of Listing Venue"). Karo Pharma has today applied to have its shares admitted to trading on Nasdaq First North Growth Market and Nasdaq Stockholm has approved the application. The last day of trading on Nasdaq Stockholm will be 24 March 2022 and the first day of trading on Nasdaq First North Growth market will be 25 March 2022. No action is required from shareholders in Karo Pharma in connection with the Change of Listing Venue. The subscription rights, paid subscribed shares (BTA) and shares from the Rights Issue will therefore be admitted to trading on Nasdaq First North Growth Market.
Skandinaviska Enskilda Banken AB ("SEB"), DNB Markets, part of DNB Bank ASA, Swedish branch ("DNB") and Swedbank AB (publ) ("Swedbank") are Joint Global Coordinators in connection with the Rights Issue. White & Case Advokataktiebolag is legal advisor to Karo Pharma in connection with the Rights issue and the listing on Nasdaq First North Growth Market. SEB is financial advisor to Karo Pharma in connection with the listing on Nasdaq First North Growth Market. Erik Penser Bank AB is Certified Advisor in connection to the listing on Nasdaq First North Growth Market.
For further information, please contact:
Christoffer Lorenzen, CEO, +46 73-501 76 20, christoffer.lorenzen@karopharma.com
Jon Johnsson, CFO, +46 73-507 88 61, jon.johnsson@karopharma.com
The information was submitted for publication by the contact persons set out above, at 12:00 CET on 23 March 2022.
About Karo Pharma
Karo Pharma delivers smart choices for everyday healthcare. We own and commercialize branded, original over-the-counter products and prescription medicines. Our products are available in more than 60 countries, with Europe and the Nordic region as our core markets. Karo Pharma is headquartered in Stockholm, Sweden and listed on Nasdaq Stockholm Large Cap.
The information in this press release does not contain or constitute an offer to acquire, subscribe for or otherwise trade in shares, subscription rights or other securities in Karo Pharma Aktiebolag. The information contained in this announcement is for background purposes only and does not purport to be full or complete. No reliance may be placed by any person for any purpose on the information contained in this announcement or its accuracy, fairness or completeness.
This announcement is not a prospectus for the purpose of Regulation (EU) 2017/1129 of the European Parliament and of the Council of 14 June 2017 on the prospectus to be published when securities are offered to the public or admitted to trading on a regulated market, and repealing Directive 2003/71/EC (together with any related implementing and delegated regulations, the "Prospectus Regulation"). Investors should not invest in any securities referred to in this announcement except on the basis of information contained in a prospectus. Any invitation to those entitled to subscribe for shares in Karo Pharma Aktiebolag is made solely through the prospectus which Karo Pharma Aktiebolag published on 23 March 2022.
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