- The sun is out and the pollen count is soaring – which means Hayfever Hell for 14 million people in the UK
LONDON, July 6, 2020 /PRNewswire/ -- With one in five people suffering from the annual attack of itchy red eyes and constant sneezing, and with the pollen count set for HIGH, on-demand laundry app, Laundrapp, shares its top five tips – from bedding to intimacy – for protecting against pollen this summer.
1. Wash your bedding
The average person washes their bed sheets once every two weeks but that's not enough to keep the allergens away. James Porter at Laundrapp oversees laundry facilities and recommends a weekly wash to keep sheets pollen free and to tackle the dust and other particles that might make symptoms worse.
A hot wash of 40C or above is best and duvets and pillows should be dry cleaned once or twice a year.
2. Have more sex
Scientists in Iran claim to have found a link between the nasal and reproductive systems. Neurologist Sina Zarrintan of the Tabriz Medical University in Iran said male orgasms could help ease a blocked nose and clear streaming eyes – but didn't mention if there was a similar benefit for women.
3. Take more showers
Pollen is almost indestructible unless it is wet. It is so easy to bring pollen indoors on your skin and hair. So jump in the shower more often and also try showering at night to help rid the body of the day's pollen build up and help aid sleep.
4. Avoid drying laundry outside
Pollen is more likely to land on washing in the early morning or late evening so try and dry your washing inside. If you don't have the space, try an on-demand laundry service, such as Laundrapp, to collect, clean and dry your clothes.
5. Apply Vaseline
But not to your lips. Instead, rub a small amount around your nostrils. The Vaseline forms a protective layer around your nose that pollen will stick to.
Laundrapp's James Porter said: "Suffering with hayfever is one of the biggest downsides to summer. Doing the laundry more regularly will help tackle that pollen and using Laundrapp banishes that daily chore. Our service is contactless, and we pick up from your doorstep. Together let's bust hayfever this summer!"
For more information visit Laundrapp.com.

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