Lawyers Acknowledge Mistake In Filing Sexual Misconduct Charges Against Professor Dershowitz
WASHINGTON, April 9, 2016 /PRNewswire/ -- Professor Alan M. Dershowitz released the following statement regarding resolution of the case styled Bradley Edwards, et al. v. Alan M. Dershowitz, Case No. CACE 15-000072 (Cir. Ct., Broward Cnty., Fla.).
I am pleased that the litigation has concluded and I am gratified by the Joint Statement issued today by Jeffrey E. Streitfeld on behalf of the parties, in which "Edwards and Cassell acknowledge that it was a mistake to have filed sexual misconduct accusations against Dershowitz and the sexual misconduct accusations made in all public filings (including all exhibits) are hereby withdrawn." Mr. Streitfeld's announcement and the Joint Statement are copied below.
It is my pleasure to report that Bradley J. Edwards, Paul G. Cassell, and Alan M. Dershowitz have resolved their disputes and have agreed to settle the claims raised in an action pending in the Broward County, Florida Circuit Court. Since being appointed by Circuit Court Judge Thomas Lynch IV last fall, it has been a privilege to act as the mediator and assist the parties and their counsel toward this agreed resolution. I want to extend my appreciation for the professionalism exhibited by the parties and their counsel with whom I worked directly: Jack Scarola, Rick Simpson, Tom Scott, and Ken Sweder. As part of their agreement, the parties have issued the attached Joint Statement.
Brad Edwards, Paul Cassell and Alan Dershowitz have today settled their pending defamation claims in which Edwards and Cassell sued Dershowitz and Dershowitz counterclaimed against Edwards and Cassell. The case was about Dershowitz's public claims that Edwards and Cassell, as the attorneys for Virginia Roberts, had failed to perform the necessary due diligence before filing the allegations of their client, not whether the acts of alleged misconduct in fact occurred. Edwards and Cassell vigorously denied the contention that they had acted improperly and asserted that it defamed them. Dershowitz countersued Edwards and Cassell, alleging they had falsely accused him of sexual contact with Roberts—a claim he vigorously denied and that Dershowitz asserted defamed him. Edwards and Cassell maintain that they filed their client's allegations in good faith and performed the necessary due diligence to do so, and have produced documents detailing those efforts. Dershowitz completely denies any such misconduct, while not disputing Roberts's statements that the underlying alleged misconduct may have occurred with someone else. Dershowitz has produced travel and other records for the relevant times which he relies on to establish that he could not have been present when the alleged misconduct occurred. He has also produced other evidence that he relies upon to refute the credibility of the allegations against him.
The parties believe it is time to take advantage of the new information that has come to light on both sides during the litigation and put these matters behind them.
Given the events that have transpired since the filing of the documents in the federal court and in this action in which Dershowitz was accused of sexual misconduct, including the court order striking the allegations in the federal court filings, and the records and other documents produced by the parties, Edwards and Cassell acknowledge that it was a mistake to have filed sexual misconduct accusations against Dershowitz; and the sexual misconduct accusations made in all public filings (including all exhibits) are hereby withdrawn. Dershowitz also withdraws his accusations that Edwards and Cassell acted unethically.
Neither Edwards, Cassell, nor Dershowitz have any intention of repeating the allegations against one another.
Contact: Richard A. Simpson,, 202-719-7000
Editor's note: Wiley Rein LLP represents Alan M. Dershowitz in this matter.
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