Liechtenstein Based Think-Tank Launches a Digital Republic
ZURICH, Sept. 20, 2019 /PRNewswire/ -- The Liechtenstein-based Think- and Action-Tank THE is activating a diverse community of Responsible Optimists since 2016. On 18th September, the collective launched their "social citizenship" establishing a virtual "REPUBLIC OF RESPONSIBLE OPTIMISTS" to engage like-minded human beings on a deep societal level. Within the event called "Systems Change Lab" THE's founders Rudolf Hilti and Christopher Peterka discussed the potential of a new form of identity and citizenship with a diverse round of people, amongst them, Christian Lindner, leader of the German Liberal party and renowned thought leader on the Digital Modern era.
Traditional governance structures globally are challenged by cross-border phenomena such as the climate crisis or data-driven organisations, that per their very nature, exceed national, legal control. With pioneer countries like Estonia, nationality and citizenship are rethought on a fundamental level. With their "Systems Change Lab" on social citizenship (on behalf of The System Change Foundation) explored possible overlays and cooperative models at the intersection of emerging global citizenships and traditional national governance structures. "Global values ask for global identities despite all cultural differences. We are all humans and share the same planet. We want to seek and discuss these values independently and free of political and economical interests. With this we hope to strengthen the convergence rather than the separation of humane interests in living up to the challenges of the Anthropocene," states co-founder and prognostic futurist Christopher Peterka.
Rudi Hilti, Co-Founder, draws a positive balance after the launch of the "social citizenship". "We want to inspire people to sign on for an active part in our collective challenge to re-define what it means to be human in an internet of beings." Sixty first-generation identities have been distributed. Citizens of the Republic of Responsible Optimists of generation one are going to live CO2 neutral to eventually step it up from there to specific trainings aimed at increased personal future resilience and even the creation of a circular economy habitat. Visit their media center for more insights!
Regina Fasel

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