Look up to 10 'Rears' Younger With The Great Bum Jeans From George at Asda
LONDON, September 16, 2011 /PRNewswire/ --
- 41% of women across the UK think their bum is too big
- 72% of women said that they would spend up to £100 to get the perfect bum
- George at Asda launches Great Bum Jeans, taking years off the nation's rears for just £18
- Formula created to find out your Truly Great Derriere Score = (G+S) x ((R + F) - (Q+ V))
This week sees George at Asda launch the much anticipated Great Bum Jeans - set to take years off the nation's rears for just £18. News of the jeans launch spread across social media sites within seconds last month and George has announced that the jeans land on shelves and online this week.
The innovative jeans feature clever stitching techniques which make the bum appear more pert. There is no padding or body sculpt material involved - just clever pattern cutting and seaming - increasing the rise depth, allowing the jeans to pull in and lift. This fantastic shape is cleverly already in the jeans before you even step into them and they are available from George from 15th September.
George created the jeans in response to demands by women for products to embrace their natural curves. Research carried out by the retailer found that women up and down the country are becoming more and more dissatisfied with their derrieres. Hours sat at desks plus a combination of bad diet and lack of exercise were notable factors for ageing our bottoms beyond our years.
Fiona Lambert, Brand Director at George, said:"Our customers asked us for something they can wear every day that will help embrace their curves. We're known for our innovation at George, and the latest addition to our shaping range - the Great Bum Jean - offers a fantastic solution to creating a pert and perky bottom for an affordable £18. It just goes to show that you don't need to spend thousands of pounds on painful surgery, expensive creams and gimmicks in order to achieve the perfect shape."
During research, 41% of over 1,000 respondents said that they think their bum is too big, 27% highlighted that they have too much cellulite, 20% said their bottoms were too saggy and 19% highlighted that it was just not pert enough.
3 in 5 females put not having a perfect bum down to not exercising enough, although 2 in 5 put it down to age. 28% said it's a bad diet, for 27% it's too many hours siting at a desk and 26% said it's just laziness.
In an attempt to salvage their sagging bottoms, Brits are increasingly turning to quick fix formulas such as support pants, body brushes and dimple creams to help improve their appearance. And despite the nation continuing to tighten their belts, 72% of women said that they would spend up to £100 to get the perfect bottom. The latest problem solver comes in the shape of George at Asda's Great Bum Jeans which retail at less than 1/5 of what the nation is prepared to pay.
Whatever your age, if you can't change your genes then change your jeans to get a more pert and firm bottom.
Following the huge success of George's Body Sculpt Trunk which launched last month and the immediate sell-out of the George Moob Tube last year, the Great Bum Jeans are the latest innovation from the brains at George.
Great Bum Jeans are available in store and online on George.com for just £18 from 15th September. George also re-launches the Moda Secret Support Jean - for just £16 the jeans are complete with an internal support panel which creates a smoother flatter silhouette by holding and flattening the stomach. Other jeans in the George range will be available for women for an exclusive price of £8 down from £10 for one week only.
Formula to achieve a great bum
The following formula has been calculated by psychologist Dr David Holmes which allows you to calculate how truly great your derriere is, you can try out the formula with the jeans on as well and increase your score by 10 rears at least! We've added the scores of some famous derrieres below:
The Truly Great Derriere Score = (G+S) x ((R + F) - (Q+ V))
General form 'G': This represents the overall outline and shape including tendency to droop
Sphericity 'S': Is how circular the buttocks are in every direction
Resilience 'R': Well hidden muscular firmness that prevents wobble
Firmness to touch 'F': A fine balance between firmness and softness
Vertical Ratio 'V': This should aim towards being slightly 'pert', i.e. on the top-heavy side of symmetrical (Reverse scale).
Skin Quality 'Q': The general condition of the skin and evidence of protruding fat (Reverse scale)
"The perfect female derriere has firmness to the touch and resilience that prevents undue wobble or bounce yet looks soft with flawless skin. Dimple-free circularity pervades the diminutive shape with no tendency towards a square shape or droop. The vertical ratio means that the bum is 'pert' or slightly larger at its upper third as opposed to the lower third and perfectly symmetrical in the horizontal plane. The ratio in the other plane means this derriere is longer than it is wide but is clearly distinguished from the thighs. Slender thighs and a hip to waist ratio of 0.7 will frame the perfect bum, well, perfectly," commented Dr David Holmes, Psychologist.
How to score your derriere
General Form
Which best describes your derriere? Score It resembles a trodden on potato 1 My rear is like a pear dropped from a great height 2 It's rounded but has dimples that make it look square 3 It's a little big at the thigh but narrower than it is high 4 I am lucky to have a peach shape that fits its size 5
Which of these represents your derriere? Score It's as square as a cheese slice 1 It is rounded, but like an egg is round 2 It's a bit more pear shaped than perfectly round 3 Like a pair of pink bowling balls 4
How resilient is your derriere? Score It constantly wobbles like jelly 1 After one flick it wobbles for 30 sec 2 It always wobbles when I walk 3 I only get any bounce when I run 4 During aerobics it doesn't even quiver 5
Which best describes your derriere? Score Very squidgy 1 If I press it, it seems to make a dimple 2 Cannot press more than a centimetre into a cheek 3 Solid like a bowling bowl 4
Vertical Ratio
Select the nearest to your ratio? Score Like a traffic cone really 4 Its bigger at the bottom of my, Er . . bottom 3 Pretty much symmetrical in all directions 2 Slightly defying gravity 1 Very pert 0
Skin Quality
How is your derriere's complexion? Score Cellulite, spots, orange peel - you name it! 4 Lots of dimples 3 A bit spotty but no cellulite or dimpling 2 Slightly rough to touch 1 As smooth as babies skin 0
What your truly great derriere score means
How did my derriere score? You Are: Score Perfection! 76-81 Nearly there be proud to strut your stuff over 60 Exercise! Diet! Hope! over 40 Take your health seriously 20-40 Get shaping jeans urgently 0-20 Wear long jackets Less than zero
(Score range is -12 to 81)
The time-cost factor of derriere improvement
"Some things you cannot change to improve your derriere but others are within your grasp. You cannot change your genetic inheritance and although gene modification is possible it would be a very complex and risky process to guess which changes would produce a good derriere even when we have the technology. Thus, you cannot change your genes but you can change the effects of them with Asda Great Bum Jeans! This and other things we can do are listed below with the approximate cost and time to have an effect,
Cost Derriere change technique Time taken (appx) (GBP)(appx) Buy Asda Great Bum Jeans 10min GBP18 Go for very long walks (buy new shoes) 1-2 years shoes GBP35 membership Gym training 1-3 years GBP200-800 Special diet 8-12 months GBP600 Personal trainer 1-2 years GBP 2000-4000 very Medical solutions 3-5 weeks expensive!
"Clearly the way forward without spending the earth, is to watch what you eat, walk as much as possible and invest in a pair of those magic jeans!" added Dr David Holmes.
ASDA PR Team: Telephone: +44(0)20-3003-6555, email: asda@freud.com
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