Medicover AB: Issue and repurchase of class C shares for incentive program
STOCKHOLM, Nov. 6, 2023 /PRNewswire/ -- The board of directors for Medicover AB (publ) has today resolved to issue 1,600,000 new class C shares and to immediately thereafter repurchase such 1,600,000 issued class C shares, for the purpose of the long term performance-based share programs for key individuals as approved by the annual general meetings held on 29 April 2021, 27 April 2022 and 27 April 2023 (the "Plan 2021", the "Plan 2022" and the "Plan 2023").
Today's resolution by the board of directors was passed based on the authorisation granted by the annual general meeting held on 27 April 2023.
Nordea Bank Abp will subscribe for all issued class C shares at a subscription price of EUR 0.2 per share. All such 1,600,000 issued class C shares will be repurchased by Medicover AB (publ) at a purchase price of EUR 0.2 per share. Following the share issue, the share capital will increase by EUR 320,000. The class C shares do not entitle to dividends and each share entitles to 1/10 voting right.
The purpose of the share issue and the repurchase is to enable future delivery of performance shares in accordance with the incentive programs the Plan 2021, the Plan 2022 and the Plan 2023 as well as to cover any social charges associated with the programs. The class C shares will be converted to class B shares before delivery to the participants in the programs.
Medicover AB (publ) currently holds 2,282,822 class C shares and will, following the repurchase of the new 1,600,000 issued class C shares, hold all 3,882,822 class C shares in the company.
For further information, please contact:
Hanna Bjellquist, Head of Investor Relations
+46 703 033 272
Medicover is required to publish the information contained in this press release pursuant to the Swedish Financial Instruments Trading Act. The information was provided for publication by the abovementioned contact person at 08.30 CET on 6 November 2023.
Medicover is a leading international healthcare and diagnostic services company and was founded in 1995. Medicover operates a large number of ambulatory clinics, hospitals, specialty-care facilities, laboratories and blood-drawing points and the largest markets are Poland, Germany, Romania and India. In 2022, Medicover had revenue of €1,510 million and more than 44,000 employees. For more information, go to
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Issue and repurchase of class C shares for incentive program |

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