Merisant Welcomes the Positive Vote of the EC Standing Committee to Authorize Stevia Across Europe
PARIS, July 5, 2011 /PRNewswire/ --
Today, the Standing Committee of the European Commission (Directorate-General Health and Consumers Protection) has voted to approve the regulation of stevia extracts (steviol glycosides) for use as sweetener products at the EU level, with expected final authorisation in the beginning of November this year.
Merisant, the global market leader in tabletop sweeteners, has a rich heritage of research and development investment into perfecting the application of stevia extracts to sweeteners. The potential of stevia extracts as sweetener components is significant, since its sweetening power is naturally 200 to 300 times higher than sugar, whilst being non-nutritive.
Originally native to Paraguay and Brazil, the stevia plant has been used for centuries as a sweetener. As well being used in tabletop sweeteners, the stevia ingredient is also used to sweeten many reduced calorie food products globally, including soft drinks, juice, yogurt and salad dressing. Stevia-based sweeteners are already approved for use across other markets including the US, France, Japan, China and Australia.
Following the European approval, Merisant plans to launch stevia-based Canderel Green® tabletop sweetener in European countries later this year, which will provide a natural way to enjoy sweetness. Canderel Green® is a low calorie alternative to sugar, adding to Merisant's existing tabletop sweetener portfolio that includes Europe's number one brand - Canderel®. Replacing sugar with a low calorie sweetener can prove extremely useful in helping to maintain a healthy weight and lifestyle. Merisant stevia-based products have been sold in the US since 2008 and France since 2009, and are very well received by its consumers.
Hugues PITRE, Merisant Vice-President & Managing Director EAME, said, "This progression towards European approval is a fabulous step forward for consumers. Merisant's objective has always been to offer choice to consumers and to meet their needs through a diverse portfolio of products. Thanks to our expertise and to the great success of Pure Via™ in France, where we have already achieved more than 65% market share, Merisant is particularly well positioned to provide Canderel Green® to European markets."
About Merisant
Merisant was formed in 2000 to manufacture and market the world's most popular tabletop sweeteners, Equal® and Canderel®, and over a dozen other available formats. Today, the Group owns 19 brands in over 90 countries. With over 500 employees positioned globally - diverse, inspired and dedicated to continuing to expand the incredible successes of these well-established and premium brands.
From the start, Merisant has aimed to raise the bar through continued global expansion, by broadening its audience through new products, and improving productivity through technological advances. The Group strives to develop products which answer consumers' specific needs to help improve their lifestyle on a daily basis.
For further information please contact:
Kristina Duff - Edelman - - Tel. +33-1-56-69-75-29
Simon Lorcy - Edelman - - Tel. +33-1-56-69-75-20
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