Muslim World League Welcomes Cease-Fire, Urges Action to Address Palestinian Grievances
MAKKAH, Saudi Arabia, May 21, 2021 /PRNewswire/ -- The Muslim World League (MWL) welcomes the announcement of an unconditional cease-fire to end the recent hostilities in Gaza, Jerusalem and elsewhere. The MWL now urges immediate efforts to address the long-standing grievances of the Palestinian people.
The MWL, which is headquartered in the Holy City of Makkah and represents the interests of the world's 1.8 billion Muslims, believes that preserving the sanctity of life for innocent men, women and children must be paramount. Too many innocent people died in the recent violence.
The League emphasizes the peaceful nature of the true, moderate Islam, and notes that Muslims, Christians and Jews share a common Abrahamic heritage. All of our religions hold as sacred the principles of harmonious and peaceful coexistence. We need to focus on these values. Violence cannot and will never be the answer.
The MWL concurrently demands that authorities preserve the sanctity of Muslim holy sites in Jerusalem and elsewhere, and avert any evictions or other provocative actions against the Palestinians that would only risk reigniting the crisis.
It is now more important than ever that leaders put the interests of their people above all else. We need all sides to come together to re-establish the foundational principles of peace, coexistence and understanding through dialogue and interaction. Only through such engagement, conducted in good faith, can we better understand and identify the common ground and shared values that will allow everyone to enjoy a just and comprehensive peace and security, with opportunity to prosper.
As humans, there is so much more that unites us than divides us. And the children of Abraham should be partners in global efforts to combat extremism and terrorism, and reject those who see the inevitability of a clash of civilizations.
This is why the MWL advocates for a just and comprehensive peace that establishes a viable state for the Palestinian people, using the Arab Peace Initiative as the basis for a settlement. Such an agreement not only would ensure the Palestinians receive their legitimate rights, but also advance a sustainable peace and collective security for the region.

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