Narxoz University, AIFC Court, International Arbitration Centre Agree on Cooperation
ALMATY, Kazakhstan, Sept. 27, 2022 /PRNewswire/ -- Narxoz University has signed a cooperation agreement with the Astana International Financial Centre Court (AIFC Court) and International Arbitration Centre (IAC). The agreement aims to add UK and international best practices to the university's law courses and to help nurture highly-trained postgraduate professionals to support the upwards trajectory of Kazakhstan's rule of law and investment climate.
Kazakhstan - home to the AIFC Court and IAC - has a 30-year history of close cooperation with the UK, which leads international legal practices. In addition to diplomatic, economic, trade and scientific ties, the partners have recently been strengthening their cooperation in the legal area. The UK judicial system sets the standard for most commercial dispute resolutions worldwide. It is significant that the agreement includes the development of joint educational programs and programs with other international schools.
In addition, the agreement will allow Narxoz students to intern in the AIFC Court and IAC, while the AIFC Court and IAC will be able to hold court hearings in the Narxoz campus's international standard courtroom.
Bulat Utemuratov, the Sole Shareholder of Narxoz University, said:
"The agreement recognizes the University's strong academic base in the legal field and the institution's determination to take that base to another level and connect with today's financial legal practices both in Kazakhstan and internationally. The agreement will help to produce highly prepared and competitive graduates that will strengthen the country's workforce in the financial and corporate legal area and contribute to making Kazakhstan more attractive to international investors. I am proud that my alma mater along with the AIFC is paving the way for more UK and international investors to come and do business in Kazakhstan knowing their rights will be protected to the highest judicial standards.''
Lord Mance, Chief Justice of the AIFC Court, commented:
"I am delighted that the AIFC Court and IAC have signed a new cooperation agreement with Narxoz University. It is one of the aims of the AIFC Court and IAC to communicate and make transparent their existence, features, and availability for the benefit of all within and outside Kazakhstan, thereby broadening understanding and facilitating fulfilment of the roles assigned to them in the protection and promotion of the rule of law in the commercial field. The AIFC Court and IAC are both therefore open to establishing non-exclusive, mutually beneficial programs of cooperation with educational and other institutions within and outside Kazakhstan in terms which are wholly consistent with their independence as commercial dispute resolution institutions."
The agreement was signed in Almaty, Kazakhstan's main financial city, by the Registrar and Chief Executive Officer of the AIFC Court and IAC, Christopher Campbell-Holt, and by the Narxoz University President, Miras Daulenov, in the presence of the AIFC Court Chief Justice, Lord Mance, and the IAC Chairman, Barbara Dohmann KC.

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