STOCKHOLM, Nov. 19, 2020 /PRNewswire/ -- The proposed financing strengthens NeoDynamics ahead of pivotal period
Third quarter 2020
- There were no sales during the period. Revenue amounted to SEK 2.643 m (4.581 m) including capitalized costs of SEK 2.051 m (4.469 m).
- Loss after tax amounted to SEK -6.731 m (-4.416 m).
- Loss per share amounted to SEK -0.19 (-0.29).
9 months 2020
- There were no sales during the period. Revenue amounted to SEK 15.175 m (16.329 m), whereof capitalized costs SEK 14.140 m (16 214 m).
- Costs for product development contuned to be higher than expected.
- Loss after tax amounted to SEK -18.011 m (-12.498 m).
- Loss per share amounted to SEK -0.71 (-0.82).
- Equity per share was SEK 2.52 (3.63 at year-end).
- Equity ratio was 94 (60 per cent at year-end)
Significant events during the third quarter
- Reference centers established in Germany to support the introduction of the new pulse biopsy system NeoNavia and optimize the diagnosis of breast cancer.
- An Extraordinary General Meeting on 13 August resolved on an incentive program for employees with a maximum of 1,021,900 warrants, where each warrant entitles to subscribe to one new share at SEK 4.71 per share during the period 1 Aug - 30 Sep 2023.
- The directed share issue of 2,561,339 shares, SEK 7,684,017 announced in April, was registered with the Swedish Companies Registration Office in September. Hence, the share capital is SEK 3,600,695.10 distributed on 36,006,951 shares.
- In September, the NeoNavia biopsy system was very well received at the international senology congresses in Vienna and Lucerne, and for the first time, physicians gained practical experience of the finished product.
Significant events after the period
- An Extraordinary General Meeting on November 19 will resolve on a directed share issue to a limited group of investors. The subscription price in the share issue is proposed to be SEK 3.71 per share and was determined through an accelerated bookbuilding procedure. The share issue can provide the company with close to SEK 90 million before transaction costs.
- On November 2, the company announced that its CFO, Jörgen Vrenning, has decided to leave the company after eight years to retire. Jörgen will continue in an advisory role until the end of May 2021 to ensure a smooth transition.
- The company joined a scientific partnership to evaluate the NeoNavia pulse biopsy system for knee and bone tissue sampling in a new potential indication, osteoarthritis.
- Neodynamics gets first order for the pulse biopsy system NeoNavia from the Buckinghamshire Healthcare NHS Trust, London.
CEO's comments
Proposed new financing strengthens NeoDynamics ahead of pivotal period
During the autumn, the Board discussed various ways to strengthen the company's cash flow in order to be able to carry out the forthcoming market introduction of NeoNavia in a successful manner. These discussions, which have also involved the company's main owners, led to the Board's proposal for a directed issue of approximately SEK 90 million. The company's owners will decide on the matter at an extraordinary general meeting on 19 November. The share issue provides much-needed room for manoeuvre to create value. The Board's assessment is that the funding benefits both old and new shareholders.Through the proposed raising of capital, the ownership circle will be expanded with competence and experience in MedTech, a significant stamp of quality for a company such as NeoDynamics The Dutch investment firm Nyenburgh and Swedish Cardeon Futuring Finance have thoroughly analysed the company prior to investing in NeoDynamics. Both appreciate the solid preparation for the launch of NeoNavia, and state it as one of the most important reasons why they have chosen to invest in NeoDynamics.
First order
NeoNavia is now launched in the UK, Germany and Sweden, somewhat delayed compared to plan as the announced product development dragged on and the pandemic further delayed the project in the critical verification and validation phase. Covid-19 currently also limits the possibility of physical meetings on site with radiologists, but many activities are now underway thanks to our specialist sales staff in the UK, Germany and Sweden.It is gratifying to note that after a short introduction, the first centre in the UK was able to place an order. A strong symbolism that we are now up and running. Other centres will want to follow suit.The cancer area remains a priority in hospitals and there is a backlog when it comes to caring for breast cancer patients. Our studies have familiarized doctors with our product and built knowledge on how to use it. This provides benefits when NeoNavia now becomes commercially available.Due to the pandemic, the study in the UK has not been able to be conducted normally and therefore we are expanding with more centres for faster results that can be used in sales work.
The United States is the next step
Work on our registration application to the Federal Drug Administration (FDA) is ongoing, as is the dialogue with the authority. We expect to submit the documentation at the beginning of 2021, in order to get the go-ahead to start selling NeoNavia in the USA during the year as well. Covid-19 has led to the closure of several states where we have planned user tests with American physiciansThe work in the USA also lays the foundation for the regulative application in China, which is next on the agenda. We will also perform a local study in China to get a strong basis, both in the dialogue with the authority and with future customers in the Chinese market.
Scale up of production
The company works continuously to optimize its production processes to keep manufacturing costs at a level that enables a long-term good profit margin. We have been collaborating for just over a year with a well-established FDA-approved Thai manufacturer who, together with us, is preparing the transfer of our disposable probes (needles) to serial / commercial production. The first delivery is expected to take place in mid-2021. Until then, the company's Swedish partner Sanmina in Örnsköldsvik will be used, which will continue to manufacture the reusable system parts (base unit and driver) which are built with a significantly larger technical content.Finally, we have recently started an international research collaboration to evaluate the NeoNavia pulse biopsy system for knee and bone tissue sampling in osteoarthritis, which is also a large indication. Here we collaborate with William Hunter Revisited, a research consortium consisting of six universities as well as academic hospitals, which specialize in osteoarthritis. We know that our pulse technology is attractive to develop in other indications as well, which we have confirmed by being approached by this research team
NeoDynamics is finally on its way to the market. We look forward to in-depth relationships with cancer clinics in Europe, to roll out NeoNavia in the US and to receive feedback on how the products will be received by doctors and patients.
CEO Anna Eriksrud
The information was submitted for publication through the agency of the contact person set out below, at 08:55 CET on November 19, 2020
For additional information please contact:
Anna Eriksrud, CEO NeoDynamics AB (publ). Phone +46 708 444 966, e-mail:
Jörgen Vrenning, CFO/IR NeoDynamics AB (publ), Phone +46 708 519 648, e-mail:
About NeoDynamics
NeoDynamics AB (publ) is a Swedish Medical Technology Company dedicated to advancing diagnosis and care of breast cancer. The company has developed an innovative biopsy system, NeoNavia. The pulse biopsy system is built on a patented pulse technology, based on research at the Karolinska Institutet in Sweden. The system is designed to offer clinicians and patients accurate lesion targeting and high tissue yield for correct diagnosis and individualized treatment. NeoNavia is evaluated at leading clinics in UK, Germany and Sweden.
About NeoNavia
NeoNavia is the brand name for the entire pulse biopsy system intended to be used under ultrasound guidance. NeoNavia consists of a base unit, a handheld driver and three different types of biopsy needles. Each needle type is driven by a pulse technology enabling high precision and control when inserting and positioning the biopsy needle in a suspicious lesion. The system is designed to offer accurate lesion targeting and high tissue yield for correct diagnosis and individualized treatment.
About the pulse technology
The patented pulse technology is based on a pneumatically driven mechanism that enables high precision and control when inserting and positioning the biopsy needle, independent of tissue type, size and location. The pneumatic driver that generates the pulses is placed in a handheld instrument. With power from the base-unit, the driver accelerates the needle with great control even over a short distance, enabling its distinct stepwise insertion without the risk of destroying surrounding tissue. This facilitates ease of access and flexibility in sampling, even in very small lesions in delicate and difficult locations.
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