Nigerians Can Expand Business Footprint through St Kitts and Nevis Citizenship by Investment Programme
LONDON, Feb. 1, 2021 /PRNewswire/ -- In a recent webinar held on the 29th January and hosted by the Guardian Nigeria and CS Global Partners, St Kitts and Nevis' Prime Minister Timothy Harris spoke about the many ways Nigerians can stand to benefit from investing in the dual-island's Citizenship by Investment Programme. For nearly four decades, St Kitts and Nevis has been welcoming investors and their families to become citizens once contributing to its economy via the Sustainable Growth Fund.
The webinar, titled "Nigerian Citizens: Build a Platinum Legacy and Broaden Your Horizons by Investing in St Kitts and Nevis", looked at the business incentives available under the CBI Programme. This includes increased travel freedom as the St Kitts and Nevis passport provides access to nearly 160 countries enabling Nigerian investors to expand their business globally and access new markets. With the right to live and work in the nation, St Kitts and Nevis' business-friendly environment also facilitates a means for Nigerians to establish a successful business on the islands while taking advantage of the fiscal incentives in one of the Caribbean's strongest economies.
On the business opportunities available to Nigerians, Prime Minister Timothy Harris stated: "Those who invest will be investing in a jurisdiction where their investment is safe. Where they can earn profits and they can repatriate their profits to their country or to any other country. They will be investing in a country that is close to the United States of America and has strong relationships, financial, diplomatic, and other forms of relationships with all the major financial centres in the world. […] It's that kind of environment that the investor will be participate in, where he will have easy access to the rest of the international community."
During the webinar, Les Khan, the CEO of St Kitts and Nevis' Citizenship by Investment Unit, also spoke on the application process and the multi-tiered due diligence framework. While Micha Emmett, CEO of CS Global Partners, addressed the growing need for investors to have a second citizenship as a means of diversifying their wealth and prioritising the safety of their family.
Since 1984, St Kitts and Nevis has been a world leader within the investment migration realm. Its wealth of experience and its ability to evolve with the needs of the market has propelled the Programme to be recognised internationally as a 'Platinum Standard' brand. Aside from operating the world's longest-standing CBI Programme, St Kitts and Nevis is a safe democratic country with a respect to the rule of law.

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