Nordic Nanovector ASA - Notice of Extraordinary General Meeting on 1 December 2022
OSLO, Norway, Nov. 10, 2022 /PRNewswire/ -- Reference is made to the stock exchange announcement by Nordic Nanovector ASA ("Nordic Nanovector" or the "Company") on 9 November 2022 announcing that the Company has entered into a merger agreement with all shareholders of APIM Therapeutics AS to combine the companies in an all-stock transaction. Completion of the transaction is dependent on the approval by the General Meeting of the Company.
Nordic Nanovector hereby calls for an Extraordinary General Meeting in the Company to be held on 1 December 2022, at 10:00 hours CET at Advokatfirmaet Selmer, Tjuvholmen Allé 1, 0252 Oslo. The full notice with appendices is attached. The notice and the documents to which it refers are also available on
Shareholders wishing to attend the Extraordinary General Meeting, in person or by proxy, must complete and return the attendance form or power of attorney form attached to the notice to Nordea Bank Abp, Issuer Service, Postboks 1166 Sentrum, N-0107 Oslo, or by e-mail to no later than 29 November 2022, 16:00 CET. Attendance or proxies may also be registered electronically through Euronext Securities Oslo (formerly VPS) Investor Services.
For further information, please contact:
IR enquiries
Malene Brondberg, interim CEO and CFO
Cell: +44 7561 431 762
Media Enquiries
Mark Swallow/Frazer Hall/David Dible (Citigate Dewe Rogerson)
Tel: +44 203 926 8535
About Nordic Nanovector:
Nordic Nanovector is committed to develop and deliver innovative therapies to patients to address major unmet medical needs and advance cancer care. The Company's pipeline includes:
- Betalutin® and Humalutin®, both CD37-targeting radioimmunotherapies incorporating the beta emitter lutetium-177 to treat non-Hodgkin's lymphoma (NHL);
- Alpha37, a CD37-targeting radioimmunotherapy candidate incorporating the alpha-emitting radionuclide lead-212, currently being explored with partner Oranomed for chronic lymphocytic leukaemia;
- Multiple fully humanized anti-CD37 antibodies with potential in haematological cancers and autoimmune diseases; and
- A CD37 DOTA CAR-T cell opportunity in haematological cancers, which is being advanced via a research collaboration with the University of Pennsylvania.
Further information can be found at
This information is subject to a duty of disclosure pursuant to Section 5-12 of the Securities Trading Act.
The following files are available for download: |
Nordic Nanovector Proposed resolutions for the EGM 2022 English | |
Nordic Nanovector Proposed resolutions for the EGM 2022 norsk | |
Nordic Nanovector - Notice of EGM ENG | |
Nordic Nanovector - Notice of EGM NOR | |
Sakkyndig redegjørelse Nordic Nanovector ASA | |
Nordic Nanovector - Merger announcement presentation |

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