BELGRADE, Serbia, Jan. 29, 2020 /PRNewswire/ -- A collaboration protocol was signed today in Belgrade between Novamont and the Serbian government for the design of a circular bio-economy model that will enable Serbia to design low-impact agricultural-environmental systems.
The ceremony took place at the Government Palace in the presence of the Minister of the Environment, Goran Trivan, the Italian Ambassador Carlo Lo Cascio and Catia Bastioli, CEO of Novamont.
Under the terms of the five-year collaboration protocol, in the first phase of collaboration, Novamont will be involved in supporting the design of a model for the separate collection of urban and agricultural waste, subsequently implementing a pilot project of the model in one or more Serbian cities and providing consultancy on the circular bio-economy to the Ministries of Agriculture and Environment.
Later on, the collaboration may be extended to industrial investments by Novamont, either alone or in public or private partnerships, whether international or local, and/or by companies in the Novamont supply chain.
The agreement is part of efforts being made by the Republic of Serbia since their EU accession procedure commenced designed to harmonise their environmental protection legislation with European legislation. The main theme is that of new models of agro-industrial development and environmental protection.
"Thanks to its pioneering activity in the bioeconomy, Novamont is a true demonstrator of the possibility that entire application sectors may be redesigned from bioplastics and biochemicals. Our collaboration with Serbia is a further step towards the multiplication of sustainable models and the creation of interconnected and innovative infrastructures for the treatment of organic carbon and the transformation of waste into new products," declared Catia Bastioli, Novamont CEO.
The Novamont Group is a world leader in the development and production of bioplastics and biochemicals through the integration of chemistry, the environment and agriculture. With more than 600 employees, it registered a turnover of €238 million in 2018 and made continuous investments in research and development activities (5% of its turnover and more than 20% of its staff); it has a portfolio of around 1,800 patents. The group has its headquarters in Novara, a production facility in Terni and research laboratories in Novara, Terni and Piana di Monte Verna (CE). The Novamont subsidiaries are based in Bottrighe (RO), Patrica (FR) and Porto Torres (SS). Active in Germany, France and the United States through commercial offices and a representative office in Brussels (Belgium). Novamont operates through own distributors in more than 40 countries all over the world.
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Francesca De Sanctis
tel.: +39 0321.699.611
cell.: +39 340.1166.426

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